[Game Thread - ENDGAME 2/17] The 'Supa Mario' Sorcerer17 - Mafia Wins

/vote marshal @Host_Account_1
let’s see

i think marshal wazza probably contains exactly 1 wolf

help me i am doing far too much at one time

with your grand total of 12 posts, i’m tempted to believe you

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please help me i want to do like 5 things at once and i cant focus

sorry for not being in thread for so long! I stayed up super late and in return woke up super late, but I’m here now at least

if ur talking about the wallpost explaining why im mathmatically town, that was actually a copypasta and means nothing. U can analyze responses tho as I believe both me and min had no idea it was a copypasta (and a few other people I think)

small rant about selfmeating

unrelated but I would like to mention that I think Marshal W (take this read with a grain of salt) soley because I hate self metaing with a burning passion and my brain instantly scumreads anyone who does it
this means nothing about her alignment since I wanna take another look at her after I’m done backreading, but self metaing is so dumb like actually. “I wouldn’t do that as wolf.” if ur acknowledging the fact u wouldnt do something as a wolf, then u could literally realize that as a wolf and do it anyway for the oh so precious town cred. There are some times it can be good, but I think a lot of the time it’s just an argument that has no basis and does nothing to prove your alignment. okay I’m done now.

I kinda like Vulgard so far I think, but I also played a game with vulgard where I locked them as town and they were wolf, so I’m still gonna keep them as a lean for now and not an actual hard read bc their wolf game scary

I also enjoy all this talk about unaligning in what seems to be an attempt to do something while thread is inactive. Still very scared of them, and it could be a wolf pushing agenda, but it seems good and I would at least not like them dead today.

imma be real I don’t remember cloned’s posts too much (someone I need to look at again) and I see alot of talk about them being wolfs so that is something added to the to-do list.

this is why I voted him, his playstyle as town and mafia is so similar that I want him to actually make posts and read, otherwise we may as well assume hes mafia and do something about it.

“the numbers dont lie, and they spell DISASTER for you at sacrifice”

I personally enjoy the method of solving but I do think its also something thats very loose to go off of, the unaligns are pretty quick and can leave a nice basis to go off of, but since they’re all ranked the same it kinda dulls a few. If you could potentially rank them by the strength of the unalign (how confident you are or how many posts there are that add to the unaligh) I think the list would be more helpful overall.

So far I like Kiiruma, I’ve played a game before but tbh remember 0 of it (was it jojo’s?) and I don’t even remember what their alignment was that game. So far though I like what they’ve been saying, it has good reasoning behind it and I think they believe what they are saying.

this is unrelated to the game but I’ve been reading for like 30 minutes and it says the last post was an hour ago and Im scared that im just gonna scroll down and theres gonna be like 200 more posts than I thought that I’m now also gonna have to read

Agree with this. I can understand why people are reading her as V but those few posts just hit me in such a away that it’s gonna take a lot to improve in my eyes. may be a good sorc candidate?

oh yeah I saw cloned again. He was there. He I feel like justified people’s reads on him. again I wanna read more of his older posts in context again and a lot of the read seems to come from stuff I dont know (mainly usually how him and vulgard interact) so I will just leave him on null for now


awesome, now can u please contribute so :pleading_face:

oh my god that felt forever, anyway here are my reads so far

Townread: Arctic, Atlas (hasn’t changed, infact I like arctic’s slot even more. I just like how they’ve been taking the game)
Townlean: Kiiruma, Vulgard (Kiiruma seems to be doing things that they believe and it seems V to me. Vulgard has been doing a lot of towny things but I am scared of them deeply)
NullLeanScum: Wazza (I’m willing to look at this slot again, but I do think she would make a good target for the sorc tonight and that we probably shouldnt kill them today since people seem conflicted on their slot.)
Scumlean: honestly was writing the wazza read thing and forgot who I scumleaned, which probably means that it was really that important. I think it was outed wolf? idk
Scumread: Eli (do something, please.)

This is just a list of reads that I feel are personal to me, I agree with other peoples reads for the reasons they have brought up which we in the biz call “sheeping” so I don’t feel much of a need to mention them. If you’re wondering about a specific person feel free to ask

this took a while and im tired now, may go play a game for like 30 minutes then come back and feel ready to do stuff

you mean 5 things in this game, or is this game just one of them?

if it’s the former then just try to focus on reading players you are familiar with, and if it’s the latter then probably prioritise irl things but try to make time to play this game you signed up for

my brain is mush :brain:

no villager vulgard didn’t want to waste his time

i think misty/cloned aren’t w/w

Can you explain your read on me still? Still don’t get it

i would probably kill cloned first but i don’t like either

what do people think about outedwolf, that slot has me (tree)stumped

the game is just one of them
the others are

  • stellaris FM
  • sterllaris
  • talking with nerds on the internet
  • some other minor stuff too

so… aaaa

in my people’s tounge, it means
“i am in great pain, please help me”

it might help to set out a dedicated amount of time to devote to this game (and potentially your other activities) so you use your time here productively


you said the same word twice and got it wrong


thank you good sir
i will… try.

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here is my plan

  • get to year 2300 in stellaris
  • then, go do this game for like 30 minutes
  • then, go work on stellaris FM or smth for another 30 minutes
  • repeat steps 2 and 3 for a bit

nvm I found your explanation

I feel like this is just saying ‘Vul is being solvy’ with more words which is well within the range of things he can fake