[Game Thread] Morbtainado - Morbfia EPIC win

What’s your home site?

Gamefaqs ;o

You mentioned a spreadsheet. Would this happen to be an interaction alignment chart?


It’s severely incomplete.

Pretty confident in both Achro and Magnus being villagers right now. A bit more confident on Magnus though.

That makes sense, but I like making those too they neat. I am not this game because I am in more of a not try hard mood but I dig it.

look forward to seeing it near eod to see what you gathered from everything ;o

Going to try again to get some sleep too,so good night again everyone.


Oops. Forgot this: :sleepingleafeon:

Y’know, when I went to bed last night, I was thinking “If I had choose any of the main wagons, I’d probably choose Magnus.”
But now, after having read all that shit?
Magnus likely v (Probably like 83.47% confidence on that (exact percentages are for memetic reasons))

Pigeon is now the individual that my brain is still going “Bad posts, do not like”

Glad to know I turned it around. Who are you, again?

Currently the highest poster

A shitposter

We haven’t really interacted yet


(I’m also new to FoL, but not to forum mafia, if that helps)

i tried reaing up and my brain turned to mush aaaaaaaaa ill try rereading when i didnt just wake up

I… don’t remember why I quoted this anymore…
kinda weird maybe? no that just feels like im forcing it; yeah no idea why i quoted this

I dont htink looking deeply into RVS is in-of-itself ai but the reasons why can be. Do you think they’re genuinely trying to get things out of RVS or are they just latching onto whatever is there in an attempt to play the game

because it was my first vote and like, 5 posts into the game lmao

I don’t get why your focusing on this tbh, its a wallpost not reading it if yo assume it doesn’t have any content makes sense. hell i skimmed it and basically ignored it

one bad townie hurts their team way less than one bad mafia, so on an objective level there’s more stress on you as a member of the mafia. ofc people value each alignment differently so :woman_shrugging:

incredibly based

didn’t eliza say Leafia was wolfy despite not liking the push?

oh based ty Eliza don’t have to scroll up for it

LMAOOO I entirely support Jaiden if all of that talk about having read it was just to get someone to read the shitpoist a second time

bookmark, brb

Also the person I see as most likely to accidentally break the postcap before it’s lifted.

Good idea.

I actually agree with Kanave here.

Each person is different here. Some don’t find being mafia more stressful than being town while others do. I don’t find it any more stressful myself.

Yeah. I think she did.


No it goes both ways on Pigeon.

I honestly doubt things are that easy though. I’d love it if they were.

This is Not a Town PoV.

Least not IMO.

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This contradicts itself

Dude town you shouldn’t have inconsistent thoughts.

I really think your just wolf.

This is something I missed. Definitely simething to think about at least. Thanks for pointing it out Seth.

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