[Game Thread] Morbtainado - Morbfia EPIC win

not in response to that

VOTE: thepigeonnyc


Kinda have a Null Wolf read on Jaiden.

I think if Mist is a wolf it is with Magnus.

For me Mist is Town unless Magnus is Wolf, then Mist could be IMO.

this makes me mad because you are scumreading me for the wrong reasons
ill be real given the way I play there are very valid reasons to scumread me
but after my first 5 posts, which are naturally very silly as it was my introduction into the game, I wouldn’t say I did that much stuff which wasn’t directly related to the game
and despite that I made it clear that when I don’t know people I usually just farm reactions from them to get to know them

the magnus vote was from earlier and I forgot it existed
similar situation to mistyx except I didn’t realise and keep my vote on for no reason because I could “vote tomorrow”
[this post is me realising how weird a hill that is to die on]

i just don’t want you thinking I’m not taking this game seriously
I want to win and I’m on my way to doing that
It just happens that my way is uh… slightly esoteric

tl:dr - shut up, I’m cool

okay but do you have any reason at all

okay but do you have any reason at all

@Leafia here’s the one I use in discord games mostly
called “A small request”

“Hello everyone, i just took some time out of my busy schedule to tell you all that the host is shit. They have done nothing but been rude towards me and it has made me very upset. I specifically requested to be an “Ultimate Armor-Piercing Unkillable Serial Killer” and instead rolled a much less powerful role. Not only that, but the host called my request “silly” and that i was “out of control”. As a result, I will be prodging the rest of the game in protest, and I hope many of you will join me. If you are the host reading this, it isn’t too late. If you give me the role I already so nicely requested, me and my followers will play the game as intended.
As to those not strong enough to disobey the host’s wrath, I wish you all a good game. You are very lucky to be playing with me. I will be returning to writing my new AU while enjoying a packet of cheetohs and a coke zero. I will see you all next prodge.”

one day I am going to write a novel to post at the start of a mafia game

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Jaiden can you explain what you mean by your Zorvo comment about projection? I asked you what made you say that then you didn’t answer.

Also as far as pigeon’s suspicions of you, you find it to be only wolf motivated if someone scum reads you from that angle?

It almost sounds like you are trying to convince pigeon of your sincerity later on in this post:

So are you trying to bully pigeon off of a scum read on you or do you think it is a wolf angled attack on you? What does “wrong reasons” mean here? I thought it was because pigeon was wolfy, but later in the post it sounded like an appeal to pigeon.

It was RVS stage. Why are you putting so much stock into a vote during it?

[quote=“Jaiden, post:603, topic:2676, full:true”]

I like reading them. I think they’re cool.

That copypasta you pasted in a later post is really neat too.

because it wasn’t in response to what I think they thought it was response to
didn’t matter

  • i need zorvo to actually respond before I show my cards silly

this is not scum motivated it is DUMMY motivated
I did a similar thing last game where people were making takes on me based on a post during RVS i made about quickhammering someone right here right now
there is one thing which irritates me in mafia and it is people scumreading me for reasons that don’t make sense at all on any level
so I tried to get across my playstyle and thoughts as a rebuttal before shifting the post to being concerned about mistyx’s weird ass vote because ??? idk I was just writing down my thoughts as they happened and posted whatever came

I wrote the summary at the bottom of the wall :pensive:

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On Zorvo needing to respond: Ok, that’s fair for now.

As for the other:

Hm, DUMMY motiviated, I like that. However it feels a little like CFTWR when you lay it out like that. Like, we talked about other people being defensive but this is super defensive over being scum read given you have no votes on you currently and the person in question was displaying a scumlean, not a very definitive thing.

I have liked how you have dialed back the silliness as promised, but I am not sure if the fundamentals of your posts are sound. Like rip up the dramatic fun of how you post and the intrigue you generate and I am not sure if you’re someone I’d trust right now. Which is fine for the moment, but people who post with a bit of style tend to be more forgiven than more plain spoken people at times so I will continue to keep an eye on you.

(P.S. If I die tonight someone make sure to take over this duty for me, Jaiden is for sure a clever person regardless of alignment and should not be town read easily and for simple things)

@PoisonedSquid Heya, I read your post. Would you say it would be unfair of me to say you started with a conclusion that Magnus was wolfy and filled in the blanks? As I read more and more it felt like you were gathering evidence that Magnus was wolf rather than gathering evidence for what they were doing in the game and then deciding.

Mind giving your thoughts on my play so far?

I wouldn’t say it’s unfair saying as how most of it was negative towards Magnus, but I usually like to describe my thoughts on whether someone’s actions are scummy directly rather than do it all at once. Yeah, I do think there’s some statements that look fine to me, but I feel like there were more wolfy posts than good ones.

I think it was because I didn’t quote every single post that he posted, but then again, my brain was getting cloudy at that point.

And to be honest, I haven’t been paying attention to most people’s plays so far, including yours. Only the ones that stand out to me. I’m sure that’ll change with time, but for now, I want to take things slowly since it’s my first serious game back.

why are you speaking to me like your my coach
i feel like I’ve already responded to most of this anyways
the dramatic fun is dead
it was already dead
in all honesty my fundamentals are probably ass now
i have a long way to go again
new site, new people, new me, its very very disorientating for me
also I’m still just typing whatever I’m thinking I need to like structure my posts instead of just melting into the thread
i will return shortly
or tomorrow morning
or at eod
idk whatever happens happens

shoutouts to rambling
gotta be my favourite hobby

thepigeonnyc (5): May, min, Leafia, Mistyx, Jaiden
Magnus (2): Zorvo, PoisonedSquid
Leafia (1): thepigeonnyc
epitau (1): Achromatic

Not Voting (5): ElizaThePsycho, Magnus, epitau, Apocryphal, Kanave

Mmmk. Well when you can, before end of day, give your thoughts on me please. I play a very egocentric game and I find it easier to sort people who react to various things I do. Given you are coming back and don’t feel like you’re in the full swing of things, this should provide me a good initial baseline to sort you in some way. Thanks.


probably because I mentor a lot of people in mafia so it is a force of habit lol.

This is only my second game on here and I remember feeling disoriented last game too, this is understandable.

But if you’re wolf I have to show NO MERCY as is the Cobra Kai way.