[Game Thread] Morbtainado - Morbfia EPIC win


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I mean the best advice I can give you is look for a player that you think has the most scum agenda and quote them and tell us why you see it that way.

Guess there’s other stuff you can do as well but that’s one way to spot a wolf/make a good read.

I have Misty written down as TR in my notes, but I’m happy to reanalyse if you like.

I don’t really care either way on re-analyzing Misty, my feeling’s pretty gut-instinct and probably driven by having more material on Misty than any of the other Pigeon voters. If you think it’s worth doing, do it.

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I can let you all know I won’t be here for EoD, due to timezones. I’ll be back before now and then, though, once I mysteriously disappear.

I dont know the two wolf partners zorvo would need to have to wolf here. If leafia he is tying himself directly to her and on day 3 is forced to give a gun to someone. If not leafia then just why? For achro to town read him when a lot of people think he seems unhinged? I dont think there are many wolf worlds unless as stated he is very, very, verrry aggressive wolf. Which is rare.

Alright, yeah I’ll be probably sleeping shortly as well, I’m already in my bed.

Quoting so Zorvo sees this, and so Achro doesn’t need to spend another post doing so.

I also think zorvo’s leafia ‘read’ is basically my own and i like that.

Fuck Magnus thinks anyone I engage with or mention a bit about I’m tied to.
He said we weren’t but just you wait for the dude to pop in and be like “Ha Ha Gotcha! Achro!Zorvo W/W”

Like man this guy, called me wolves with the following people:

Funny because I called him out with being with Squid, before that I called Pigeon out on being with Squid, guess he got jealous and wanted a turn to throw Squid at me.

I should ISO Squid, one sec

Kingmaker? No.
Gun? Absolutely would shoot him in a heartbeat.

You’re exaggerating. Just because you said I tied you to Pigeon or Squid doesn’t make it true. Surprised you don’t think I was tying you to Mist or Apo when I said I wasn’t.

Why would it make it “true” it’s a thought
I don’t give a rat’s ass if it’s true, the point was it was a thought that you had made.

The “Surprised” seems fake, your trying to rule this off as nothing when I know it’s something.

I already questioned you on that and you already responded to me regarding that, again your thoughts here aren’t genuine At All

Even if I had, you really shouldn’t feel bothered about my worldbuilding, especially when you said yourself you’re a worldbuilder as well.

Bro I explained why it bothers me, do you remember why or would like to continue pretending that shit doesn’t matter here when it does.

I honestly expected you to say yes to kingmaker with how zealous you are being. I am glad you didnt, because it would be very silly to do that.

I see no harm in zorvo and magnus duking it out although i am risk adverse to magnus’ lynch atm.

I am going to stop now and try to catch some sleep. I have a few posts left before 11am but thats less than ten hours away so hopefully i wont be missed too much.

Also if we are all cowards we could just execute the new player who posted like 5 times and didnt want to read and pray. I mostly think of this as food for thought because i imagine the scenario where they are given a gun with like a 0% chance of shooting a wolf lol.

This is, to be clear, the peak of cowardice. But with the mechanic day 3 it has crossed my mind since i think that person so far is the only one who appears completely clueless and unwilling to engage which could matter even if they are town. Its an equity thing.

I gtg to sleep I’m gonna quote it for you since you probably will just ignore it anyway because your probably just a wolf.

thepigeonnyc (4): May, min, Mistyx, Jaiden
May (4): Achromatic, thepigeonnyc, Magnus, Leafia
Magnus (3): Zorvo, PoisonedSquid, ElizaThePsycho

Not Voting (3): epitau, Apocryphal, Kanave

10 hours 39 minutes left in day

Here you go wolf! Enjoy!