[Game Thread] Morbtainado - Morbfia EPIC win

I’m also going to sleep so don’t expect me to be anywhere until I next post

I have now belatedly realised why I haven’t explicitly called you Maf yet, while I was finishing that test. The reason why I was only pairing you up. When you called me out on it, I tried to rationalise it because I forgot my actual reason.

This is not my way of saying I’m retroactively pairing you up with Squid, and if you insinuate that I will shoot you if I get the gun.

The reason why I said you and Leafia could be t/t as well as w/w.

All of it’s because, in the back of my mind, I’ve had the thought that you could be an incorrect villager. I wouldn’t have minded seeing your execution, but that’s less because “get rid of this wolf” and more “I need to see this flip to make sense of things.”

As I see it, I have never explicitly called you wolf-aligned because of that reason. Of course, I know you’re going to throw this explanation out of hand because it doesn’t fit your narrative, but I’m not going to let you keep reusing this ammunition. Now you can accuse me of wilfully ignoring some other post.
(On a related note, how many of Zorvo’s game posts are about me in some shape or form?)

I don’t get the hesitation. You’re supposedly certain I’d flip Mafia, so why not just kingmaker it? It’s almost as though you don’t want to suffer any consequences if I flip Town, which shouldn’t bother you if you’re Town… oh, but of course any sentences along those lines counts as a direct accusation unless I preface it.

You responded two minutes after that post. I struggle to imagine you could reasonably think through the possibilities in such a short span of time, which lends itself to the theory that you’re trying to fit the facts here.


Serious talk: Epitau’s activity doesn’t make me think they’ll necessarily be around to fire the gun, which is a concern. The D2 execution is more important than the D1 execution, but killing the new player tonight wouldn’t be fun for anyone.

On the other hand, this means we know next to certain who the gun will be given to, unless Epitau’s Mafia.

@Zorvo you cannot tell me you aren’t playing emotionally at this point. Fixing the facts to the narrative, directly insulting me with posts like this:

You’re even snapping at other players at this point!

Anyway, I’m going to VOTE: thepigeonnyc because I no longer agree with voting May as a wagon, and I never agreed to an execution, and Pigeon seems the likeliest to go. Depending on the flip (which I’m personally expecting to be Town, no idea how the T/W dynamic came into it).

On second thought, Epitau is currently the only player who hasn’t yet exceeded the 10 post daily minimum. Meaning they’ll either be subbed out or they’ll become more active than they have now; either way, this is less of a problem than it seems.


May too towny from that catch-up read to call scum

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Honestly cannot in good conscience vote for them because of that, ergo
VOTE: thepigeonnyc

Funnily enough, I know that I earlier said that Magnus/Zorvo was possibly v/w, but on quick reflection, the vibes of their spat is much more representative of a t/t violent mutual tunnel

A part of me doesn’t feel that good about voting Pigeon, but also no one else is as blatantly sending off bad vibes as they are.

The logical part of my brain says that the dead air most of the day about them points more likely to them being a towny, but also their vibes in general are bad.

Whomever said they would not be surprised at me breaking the post cap before EoD should now be prepared to be surprised because unless someone comes here to talk to me, I’m not that sure I’ll be able to make the required number of posts in good conscience and that makes me sad because I really wanna post cap, it’d be funny

I’ll talk for the sake of discussion.

A person!

Outside of the Zorvo discussion black hole you have going on, what are your thoughts?

Especially consider things if he ends up flipping town

Those are contradictory requests, are they not?

“What do you think outside of Zorvo?”
“What if Zorvo flips Town?”

My brain moved at million miles per hour at the excitement of another person, I’m sorry.

Only answer the first part then, that’s the part I’m more interested in anyway because I think your spat with Zorvo is 65% useless to me

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  • Mistyx - Townlean.
  • Achromatic - Town.
  • Jaiden - Null, haven’t interacted enough with.
  • Leafia - Null, read depends on flips. Slight scumlean.
  • Eliza - Null.
  • thepigeonnyc - Null, acting scummy, still a good first execution.
  • May - Townlean after those reads.
  • PoisonedSquid - I can’t remember what I said earlier, but null.
  • min - Null.
  • epitau - Null.
  • Apocryphal - Null, haven’t interacted enough with.
  • Kanave - Slight scumlean?

I think this is mostly right.

Kanave is the spicy one to me here, why’d you say that they’re a scumlean?

(personally they’re around a null for me, that’s a slot I’m more likely to sheep/wagonomics read than anything else, lmao)

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