GOAT^2 - Game Thread (5/15) - Day 6 - Mafia wonnered

u_u is this game going to be as transparent as the last one?

It feels like the obviously villagery people are being obviously villagery, (marl, vulgard)

Why is May locktown

Is it the emojis? Be honest


Hey Min. Am I acting obviously villagery enough?

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I’ve played with you like so many times yet idk how to read you but I’ll say yea just bcoz

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I wont be doin that and i can explain why. Basically i play forum mafia decently often in class (when I should be paying attention) and sometimes that results in people looling st my chromebook screen and asking what im doing. Usually I just tell them they shouldnt care BUT there is a small chance that somebody who knows my online username goes to the website and sees my name and clicks on my profile and whatevs. I have it set as any so that i can have a little bit of deniability of being trans if somebody were to see that. Maybe my fears are unjust or maybe any isnt really enough to do anything but its how I want it set just in case

I think this makes to townread people, like i get the reasoning, but I also think I would write a super long and memey opening post as either alignment just for fun.

This doesnt ring true to me, or at least isnt the line of thinking that I go about. Wolfs cant only look town, they have to accomplish their goals as well. A wolf bussing a ton of people and looking as towny as possible may work, but its safer to just get a town execution rather than a wolf execution because even though a wolf execution makes the wolf look more towny. This seems like word jumble so lmk if this is incomprehensible lmao

I have to make people think Im funny

Eh I kinda disagree. Not that I have a strong read on troll, but Im kinda weary of people who post like “haha im town but Im so scummy and scum are gonna get me mis-exed”

Its the emojis, but the rest of their posts have good contenet as well I guess

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the obviously not serious ones should not be taken seriously
i.e., the ones that just say town, scum, or mafia without any other comments

the ones that are less sure are more serious takes

it’s spoilered because it’s a wall and I was thinking people wouldn’t want to scroll past that


Gonna comment on some players

Vulgard - Their posts feel towny to me, but only kinda like vaguely townie. I also know Vulgard is good at the game as I got hard pocketed by them by second game ever so I am scared of them. I have them more towards null however despite all this because of the vote/unvote on Magnus, where I think a town player would be more likely to keep the vote rather than unvoting as it seemed to be more of a pressure vote to me.

Zorvo - IDK how tf u read seth so Im gonna rely on other people for this one. Like he voted and scumread lol bc of the postcap thing which I dont think is AI in the slightest but I dont know if thats scummy or not for seth.

Magnus - I dont really understand a lot of his logic on things as they are based on very micro actions like a disagreement on a read turning into entire unaligns. I dont think thats the worst way of reading peoplex but usually you need to know who the wolves are before you can unalign, and it all seems kinda preflippy to me. Not that pre-flipping is like super duper scummy, town do it all the time. Its just overall for magnus, I cant really follow his line of thinking.

Eliza - As stated earlier, still think she was kinda awkward in the start of the game. I haven’t re-read it and that doesnt make her lockscum, but scum are less likely to easily sink into thread like town can, so Im leaning towards her being scum a teensy bit still. We still have a lot of time left in day though, so more content would obviously help in this read.

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That’s not the impression I got, but okay, I suppose.

Oh I think a wolf simply wouldn’t bother with the early posting like May’s and it would be hard for a wolf to write all that.

Has your mind changed on anything?

I want to see if he’s telling the truth, so I’m letting him solve independently for a bit.

I’m waiting for her to do anything. I don’t think her early-game posts were particularly AI.

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I need to catch up/backread
let you know later


@KingTroll Any thoughts about the game right now? You’ve been liking a lot of posts, so it looks like you’ve been reading stuff

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Might just be me but I don’t like the way this post is worded.

I don’t know what your talking about, I asked you why it was 50 as I said we all know it’s 150 so I think your post was bad and this is how you chose to respond is LOL.

This is a good vote. Vulgard is making good votes so I’ll put them into the Null Town.

Eh maybe. I want to still say it’s NAI though. :crazy_face:

Is that his town tell though? I don’t think it is I think he’s very capable of imitating his town meta as a wolf.

I do like Marluxion’s progression.
There talk in regards to both Silviu and YBW.
Null Town for now but I know how good of a player Marluxion is and what he’s capable of so I got my eye on him.


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That’s curious, I mentioned in the same post that this is the first time he played in 5 years (or possibly more), I have to wonder how you reached such a conclusion?

We can’t win if you rubberstamp your votes without explaining it ya know. And I wonder if you played Paper Mario. The Origami King:tm:

As a follow-up on this, I don’t agree. Zorvo on valorant FM sure sure didn’t step inside to “hog the spotlight” but he didn’t do reasoning where it was simple to follow, so I tended to ignore him and then 1h before EoD I decided to wagon him with Neon for also the reason he looked confusing.

Zoro (Sorry, I love to call you this more than Zorvo), I’m not getting you. Not only you’re voting him based on like 1 post, but it’s because lol is messing around with his post marker, which I would assume he’s messing around with it because it’s very easy to determinate how many posts a person has if you ISO them.
I can’t tell if this is like a “dank vote”, lol.

But what posts made you think so? My instinct is yelling at me to literally skip this post because I’m not understanding it :skull:

Also, I’m reading futher and I am very amused of lol’s humor, but anyways.

I find Vul’s post to be confusing because I’m not sure what it is… Vul’s post was like the 24th post inside this game and I don’t believe one can literally solve the game that early and it’s talking about YBW’s opener… huh.

I find Magnus’ argument to be kind of rash? From the post I’ve pointed above this one, Vul is oddly going too deep into YBW’s post. Based on Magnus’ metaread of kaguya-sama game regarding Vul, I really believe he’s doing exactly what it’s said. But I don’t think that’s enough to reliably read Vul.

Meh considering Early EoD is reserved specially to messing around, I’d doubt that has anything :skull:. You know I have to wonder, it happens many times when people look too deep into one post instead of seeing the full picture of the person (Like how Marl is doing with me trying to get a foothold on Trollo).

I know that setups most of the times are designed so people can catch wolves easily by seeing who can have such potential secret-teamworkship, but I feel that’s kind of rash. This is giving me levels of Memes where like within the first 5 things he posts is spot-on but then it gets watered down as it continues.

Magnus are you for reals claiming JOAT? If you are, then you really need to keep this a secret :sob: This is like 13’coper where the mafia tries to kill the detective so they don’t get an eventual handicap.

And uhh I know there’s like a big vul v magnus there but I’m choosing to ignore because I feel I’ve lost the context so it means I have to dig which it sounds demotivating. So I’ll just ask either Magnus or Vul about it when I see them. @Vulgard @Magnus (So like are you guys arguing whenever Vul is evil or not?) Though I am willing to give Vul the benefit of the doubt because Magnus pointed out that Vul isn’t doing something characteristic to him when Vul is actually doing something characteristic to him based on a very early quote of Vul that I’ve digged up.

Considering I didn’t bother to read very far, I suppose.

This is giving me Leafia vibes with you know it!. @Magnus what are you up to? :eye: :eye: :eye:

Ahh, this reminds me during SCP FM where I flooded Vul’s notification log with likes.

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rn I’m still on my phone so I’ve set a few bookmarks to comment on when I get to a keyboard dw

Same, but it was less about the wording and more about the vibe for me. I chose to let it go, because the post seems to be in lol’s ballpark as town, but it did make me suspicious.

Can you give examples?

It was one read… I wasn’t literally solving the entire game…
Why do people constantly misread what I’m saying? Don’t actually answer this question because it’s a rhetorical one.

Why was it “too deep?”

How can I be arguing whether I’m mafia? I just think Magnus’s read on me makes no sense. I’m giving him some space right now because he claimed that these ‘hypotheticals’ are how he solves the game and I want to see it.

I’m still miffed about it, because he didn’t solve the game this way in Kaguya, unless I’m misremembering his approach.

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Why did you ping me twice in the same post?


This is worryingly level 1 of you but /shrug

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I’m checking Magnus’s read on me in Kaguya, and he did wolfread me there on day 1 as well, but it wasn’t a preflip wolfread like the one he gave here.

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New likebot


Is May an excellent wolf or something? I think the clear’s perfectly fine.

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I skimmed and seen these:
