GOAT^2 - Game Thread (5/15) - Day 6 - Mafia wonnered

if it’s just between those two? magnus like 11/10 times, lemon’s just been townier and i… ngl also kinda wanna avoid the argument with the thread about killing anyone but you/magnus while you’re both alive.

Wordle 472 4/6



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i haven’t done wordle in a bit lemme go try


I wanna get rid of May though she’s sharing my nausea and wordle interest.


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I should probably stop as well.

Is this “I wanna get rid of May, though she’s sharing my nausea and Wordle interest”, or “I wanna get rid of May, though, she’s sharing my nausea and Wordle interest”, and also is it “[nausea and Wordle] interest” or “[nausea] and [Wordle interest]” I know the answer to one of these questions already but I’m not telling which

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I fucked up it should say “I don’t want to get rid of May.”

I literally didn’t notice that until you pointed it out and shows my lack of awareness in what I’m typing.

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sorry to disappoint

my words

alert young dough bough


trash punch dough lough bough

wow you start with a one vowel word? brave

I think your Wordle looks like a tractor.

After we’d exhausted all the spreadsheets and analysis we could do on the game, my Wordle chat just took to doing cloudwatching with Wordles. Mine’s one of those staircases in the woods to nowhere.

I don’t know how to do those “details” things, so here’s my words in Atbash and also in the smallest size I could make them and also as illegible as I could make them on both light and dark mode. This is surely an efficient way of communication


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I’m a “two starting words” kinda guy. I picked mine ages ago when Wordle was first getting popular - the first one is the most common letter in each position in the Wordle solution dictionary, except for the first letter - S is the most common initial letter, but S[][][][] isn’t a word, so I go with C[][][][] instead.

The second word is just the best word I could think of off the top of my head that didn’t share any letters with the first one. I only got that first one in the first place from my friend’s Wordle-solving spreadsheet (which I was always trying to beat).

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Afraid not. It’s more in my interest to get my thoughts out on paper before I die.

For a matter of fact, I’ve accepted the truth of the matter that I am at the front of the POE, and I’m logically the best infoexe. I’m not trying to dissuade you from executing me anymore, but I’m neither removing my vote nor voting myself because I don’t want to die, and it’s better to have this discussion as early as possible.

This is also where I’m at. My death should solidify the Town, and as long as I’m alive I’m a potential misexe. Actually, that’s why I acted confrontational D2, challenging everyone to execute me then or never, because I thought it’d be better overall. In any case… it’s better now than XYLO.

Here’s exactly the problem: without exception, everyone including May can see a prominent world in which I am evil, and everyone else has townread everyone except me and exactly one other person. If I were Evil, this would be a daring display of camaraderie, but since I’m Town that means people are miscleared. Two people are miscleared, and that’s a problem.

So yeah, I’m willing, if not happy, to be executions, but your conversations from here on out should be discussing the worlds in which I flip Town, you should be expecting it, and preparing accordingly. Ask your questions through that mindset, and see who’s unwilling to be flexible in their thinking.

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It’s me. I’m the flexible thinker. I have joint pain caused by hypermobility.

(This is both literally true and a joke about how my flexibility is a downside because I get too caught in possibilities. There’s a Mafiascum wiki article about how possibilities are antitown and probabilities are protown that is my shining beacon in the dark in times like this. I go back to it every time I get caught in this hell, except it’s not helping right now, because I think the probabilities are fairly balanced between my choices.)

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Every time you send a post I become more convinced you’re town. Just keep hitting that Reply button and the last step of the complete and total pocket will be complete in no time.

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