GOAT^2 - Game Thread (5/15) - Day 6 - Mafia wonnered

We dont need to overthink this, we just need to get it done. If magnus flips town then Ill figure shit out from there, but rn theres not a ton of use in detwrmining what to do if magnus flips town/wolf and trying to predict who dies at night and also how someones posting is tomorrow and etc etc. That is something we can leave for tomorrow because we will actually have the information tomorrow

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friends, letā€™s stay calm and not tinfoil paranoia obvtowns

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but I have to give props to May and Magnus for continuing to post and keeping up the act despite being outed
I wouldā€™ve lost all WiM and started ATEing

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Lemon can we mason since we killed KT who I masond with before

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letā€™s be masons :blobby:

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Magnus (2): Vulgard, YoubutWorse
Lemonfairy (2): Magnus, May
May (1): mollylikesorigami

Not Voting (2): Lemonfairy, BradLand

Day ends 2022-10-04T22:00:00Z

time to respond to the scumcase Magnus made for me

they spent time making one so of course I need to respond

of course it wasnā€™t
other people had the same idea as me or else Marl wouldnā€™t have died
I was also 500+ posts behind and making the same conclusions while catching up so quoting my delayed response doesnā€™t really prove anything?

also, my point was that I did not just ā€œchill in the backgroundā€ as you have suggested
sure, I was not the first nor the only one to scumcase/push Marl, but I did not take a backseat while others pushed them

again, I was catching up
and I think I made that fairly obvious while doing so

I mean, it took time to make so idk why time is an issue
I deflected answering because my reason was really an amalgamation of everything I saw and it felt like I wouldnā€™t capture everything if I just gave a shortened and simplified version of it

also you quoting my incorrect scumreads from D2 + me yelling about them proudly in thread is :flushed:

maybe try to be more objective?
and cut down on the self-justification

it just looks like youā€™re trying to keep your options open for the exe

you mean the readlist that has me and YBW as town?
I think it looks good :wowee:

unfortunately, I think you might be right on this
looks like scum need me alive to try and misexe me

maybe theyā€™ll reconsider if enough townies TR me

and anything you say is said conversation can and will be used against you

give me a sec
Iā€™ll post this then find them and tag you


I think lemon/Vulgard is an agenda push to take the heat off the designated exes for today and tomorrow (you and May)

itā€™s like youā€™re trying to anti-anti-spew your partner

I think thereā€™s no way town can come to a conclusion like this
your case was also unconvincing

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I mean, itā€™d be difficult to convince myself that Iā€™m scum with a scumcase
but my point is that itā€™s not a good case

Thatā€™s the main thing here, these conclusions are just completely unbelievable to me from town on both of their accounts. The KT case earlier was also nonsensical and purely paranoia-driven, there wasnā€™t even an actual case against him.


@Lemonfairy @mollylikesorigami @BradLand Donā€™t forget to vote.

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hereā€™s min:

and hereā€™s Eliza:

I actually misremembered Elizaā€™s legacy (sorry :ghosthug:)
Eliza actually wanted Vul and YBW :wowee:

Magnus (2): Vulgard, YoubutWorse
Lemonfairy (2): Magnus, May
May (1): mollylikesorigami

Not Voting (2): Lemonfairy, BradLand

Lemon if youā€™re actually mafia then I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been pocketed any harder than this.

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remember to vote Magnus

I think weā€™re fine because both Magnus and May are already on me
so chances of scum quick-voting me are not high

lol Iā€™m not mafia this time

I donā€™t think Iā€™d be able to play as freely as I did this game if I were scum

Thats the main thing that gets me as well

Vulgard evil, with brad? Maybe. Brad evil, with vulgard? I can believe it. You evil with either of them? Thereā€™s no way thatā€™s a genuine thought, it is a last-ditch effort to try and pull heat away.

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this is wholesome
you guys did well (even as scum)

stay strong, Brad

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