GOAT^2 - Game Thread (5/15) - Day 6 - Mafia wonnered

Magnus are you seeing this shit

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I find it funny that people are reading the game I linked now, one hour away from EoD in MyLo, and nobody bothered to do that before

Anyway get your fuckin heads out of this cold-ass meta on Brad, people learn and change from wolfgames, stop seeing other people as 2D fuckin cutouts that say the exact same lines every time like a video game NPC. I swear to god if we lose this game on terrible meta in the last hour of the day phase I will lose my goddamn mind

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I was gonna ok! then i got busy
and again


Because I did not have it.

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The thing is that that one literally just happened, not much time to change

That was basically my conclusion as well

and also its a lot of change
like 1 word posts and expressing almost no thought the entire time to
with words
and explnations

Thank Lemonfairy for making this a MyLo because I feel like we would’ve lost by now otherwise

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Literally I have caught so many wolves by people exactly overcompensating for their previous games. They get caught and they die and then they go “shit better not do that” and go to the exact opposite. It doesn’t always last, often they’ll drift back to their old ways by the end of the game, which is, again, exactly what Brad is doing. Come on. Put some effort into it

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May if you’re town I legitimately don’t understand why you don’t see it’s Molly

He’s not really doing the opposite he just had a bit more steam early on and then fell off but he’s literally always been doing that
Him sheeping people didn’t get to show in the previous game because he was wolfy the entire time he was in the thread

Then again if Molly’s mafia I don’t understand why she’s defending you here if you’re town

Vulgard is losing his mind over how I went from townreading him and trusting him on Magnus to “suddenly wolfreading him” because he is a wolf who took me being wrong for granted. That is what he is doing right now. It is so unnatural to have this much focus on my read changing and me not informing him of the read while also accusing me of being inflexible and not re-evaluating.

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may stocks crashing

I asked you earlier to cite where I was doing that because I’m pretty sure my problem with you was never about you townreading me before


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But that’s… not… what I’ve been doing…
And I’ve explained this…
Am I just bad at communicating or are you doing this on purpose?