GOAT^2 - Game Thread (5/15) - Day 6 - Mafia wonnered

Hey, Vulgard, different question, not sure if you’ll have an answer, but is your Magnus wolfread contingent on me being their partner? What about vice versa?

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And it is. I shall have to cope.

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I think you’ve both been wolfy, especially today, and you specifically have steadily trended down since your day 1. I also think you’ve acted very much partnered today.


I’m pushing Magnus over you because I’m more confident in that one.

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Oh, come on. Magnus and I have been looked so unpartnered today [blatantly lying]

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It’s confusing because I know v!Vulgard isn’t opposed to discussing alternative possibilities, as shown here.

The contexts are notably different. That was a mechanical conflict day 2 where nobody was truly certain what was happening. This is day 5 and we’re one ML away from LyLo after MLing several players I thought were obvious town, and you’re trying to ML another (Lemonfairy).

I probably sound extremely conceited and egotistical this entire day phase but that’s because I think I need to take charge here because the game has veered off in a really bad direction and I’m also fairly confident about my wolfreads

I would restate my reasoning here but I gave it at SoD and it’d just be me more or less repeating what I’ve already said, I think Magnus and May’s posting today has only solidified them being a wolfpair but since I dislike preflips I say we vote out Magnus and go from there

I’d be ~okay with voting out May but I’m more confident in Magnus being a hit between the two

I wasn’t responsible for any of the previous misexes by your own admission.

In any case, I know I’m a villager. I don’t think May, YBW or Molly are evil. I don’t really think Brad is evil. I’m as committed to my current readlist as you are to yours, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been willing to discuss alternative worldviews when I don’t believe it. That was whole point of my D1 and D2 cases. I don’t claim to believe I have all the answers, but I’m willing to cooperate to get there.

So right now, when I know my alignment and I know I’m Town, all I see is another player completely refusing to engage with me because they’re overconfident in their solve.

I’ve tried to engage with you for four consecutive days and you’ve given nothing, you’ve just been spinning wheels without going anywhere and the solve you gave at SoD was really bad and wolfy

There has been nothing to engage with really

I will not agree to a May execution today, and I would expect any villagers alive tomorrow when I’m not to townread May, or at the very least not vote them out ever. Of course circumstances can change, I’m not saying anything wacky like don’t vote May out at F3 if they openwolf or whatever. But anyone who shades May tomorrow should be convinced or killed (depending on who they are), that’s what I’m saying.

Of course, you could always discount me by going “even if Magnus was Town, they absolutely sucked all game, so ignore them. Vote May.” I have more trust in the good team than that, though.

You have not tried to engage with me.
Brad has tried to engage with me. YBW has tried to engage with me. Even Lemon has tried to engage with me. I’m just your scapegoat.

I have done that for four days and I kept not dying while villagers kept getting murdered, up to and including Illwei who I didn’t even really townread until very late into the day yesterday and even then I had doubts

If anything that’s what prompted me to majorly re-evaluate and look at players I’ve been pivoting away from for weak reasons

I also evaluated the players I townread already and I think my case for them all being town is solid, ybw wolfcasing Eliza and her reaction to Magnus’s push were solid imo, Lemonfairy has progressively gotten townier over time especially with the Eliza defense and her posting today (it’s kinda weird that I’m townreading two players for having opposite reads on Eliza but it makes sense in my head), and Brad has the meta argument going his way (I normally really dislike meta but I think the case here is strong, I literally just wolfed with him and he was a wet noodle that was barely capable of posting and when he did it was very wolfy [sorry Brad])

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How much of this is based on them defending you

Agree to disagree

This entire time I’ve asked for reads on Brad but I don’t even think anyone bothered to read his posts in the game I linked which are the basis of my read
Because my sole argument for him being town is this meta comparison I’d really like a double-check from someone but I haven’t received it yet

If you want me to hypothesize that badly then I guess I can say that Brad and molly are where I would look first because my reasoning for these two being town is the weakest
May would also still be an option but obviously all three of those can’t be wolves
I’ll still reconsider YBW/Lemonfairy though but I expect one of them to die tonight unless I’m terribly wrong

I actually think Lemonfairy is even townier than YBW at this point and you + May trying to push on her is one of the primary reasons I think I’m just correct, pushing one me is kinda whatever at this point because almost the entire game has done that but I think she’s bleeding town

If I’m wrong and she’s a wolf this’ll be extremely embarrassing and you’re free to yell at me in postgame but I don’t think she is at all


Here’s the thing: you’ve left open Molly and May for yourself as potential misexes for tomorrow, two players you could possibly get over the edge with due effort.
It’s not me. I don’t think it’s May. You don’t think it’s Lemon, Brad or YBW (which… rule of three, btw). Which logically means it’s you.

Explain why w!May ever puts their life on the line to defend the most widely-scumread player alive, when my good flip easily could’ve been used to put the pressure back on someone else.

I won’t have a right to yell at you if it’s you/Lemon, just saying.

This is a pretty solid argument in the world that you’re V and that’s why I wouldn’t immediately turbo May if you’re a villager