Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread 2 - Town emerged victorious!

It isn’t rude to execute a very likely wolf and if you’re somehow correct on Wind, Trochi has to be a wolf with how Wind is acting.

I’ll go on the record as saying that I really don’t want you to shoot Wind here though. There’s tons of better options.

In fact, I’m hard vetoing a shot at Wind. That’s just gamelosing for the town I feel.

/vote hippo


You need to use the hammer icon at the top of the postbox now I believe Illwei. Also, Wind is only GF with two votes if Eliza is a villager Hippo. If Eliza gets executed and is a wolf, if you’re a vig, shooting Wind is literally gamethrowing at this point.

Heading out for now too, but will be back later, so talk to everyone then. :sleepingleafeon:

I fail to understand why you’d ever think a godfather would have a double vote…

Why am I still alive to deal with this clownfest :(

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is this real
isn’t she like confirmed

quick question @leafia are you so convinced i’m a wolf because of how my slot has acted or because there’s no other option

Unless you are partners

The Godfather is the leader of the mafia while the mayor is the leader of the town. The only real reason though that I think could make sense is to help the Godfather fakeclaim mayor. It is a bit of a stretch though admittedly, and not one I’m seriously willing to consider for today.

Why are you voting hippo?

Honestly, Wazza’s EoD 3 wasn’t good in the slightest. Around at least 65-70% of ot is Achro’s read on you though.

It’s statements like that that make it almost impossible to believe that you’re a villager.

Yeah but you do realize the mayor role is proven by the D1 and D2 hammers at L-1, right?

If I was wolfbuddies with her, I’d probably toss her under the bus today instead of trying to save her. You know how I am Gorta. I wouldn’t try to save a sinking ship.

If I were fakeclaiming Mayor I would’ve had to plan to accidentally slip in my logs, and besides that also hope the real Mayor doesn’t cc me because there is very obviously one in play.
And by now, I would’ve been cc’ed lol.


I lowkey believe this
But I also believe Eliza is wolfing so lol