Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread 2 - Town emerged victorious!

Just noticed the other thread is locked, so no iso possible, but nearly the entirety of your D1 and D2 has been spent pushing Zone without even trying to make any reads on other players Gorta,. I know you’re not usually that active as either alignment Gorta, but you at least make reads on more than one player when you’re a villager. Your D3 was better admittedly, but you did spend a lot of time focused on Zone. It just weirds me out, and not in the good kind of way. And then today, when we need to not fall into pa5ranoia, you start trying to cast doubt on me being a villager with a completely baseless push when that paranoia could very well cost us the game. Let’s face it, if we don’t execute a wolf today, we’re pretty much screwed. I will admit that it sounds like you have TMI that Eliza isn’t a consort too. You sure you aren’t the consort Gorta?

You don’t try to shove something that’s just a theory down our throats Gorta.

Yeah. If Gorta is scum, this is 100% the Godfather.

Just one or two people talking about it for a bit isn’t most of the people Gorta.

No. I pushed for it mostly. You barely mentioned Pigeon iirc. The Pigeon execution is 100% my fault and I’m sorry Pigeon. I was an idiot.

Yeah. Both Gorta and Kiiruma are howling big time here now.

They know they’re close to victory so they decided to come up with this BS push on me. What it means for IZA"S ALIGNMENT< I don’t know yet.

No idea how that got so messed up. *Eliza’s alignment

we’ve already been over this part exactly yesterday (when you thought I was towny)

blind trust in a game full of lies is never good

You STILL don’t get it. It was my flawed reasoning that I pushed that got Pigeon killed. Several people were trying to let Pigeon self resolve, but I thought Pigeon was a wolf and pushed for people to vote for Pigeon.

You have done that yourself. I’m not even voting you today

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I’m going to sleep now

but any push on you was created by your actions today

Kiiruma knows me well enough to know that I’m nowhere near skilled enough to be a wolf here. My guess is that they planned this yesterday as spoon as they both saw my claim. That explains why I’m still alive. They figured they could get enough paranoia built up around my slot to get me misexed. It would be the wolfplay of the century. They both get kudos from me for even thinking it up honestly. It’s a brilliant play.

Neither is paranoia and it isn’t blind trust.

You’re the one who doesn’t get it Gorta. People only started voting for Pigeon becaiuse I advocated for it. You pushing Pigeon had little to nothing to do with it. If I had continued trying to get Eliza exed like I probably should’ve, she would’ve been the execution and not Pigeon.

I haven’t done any of it Gorta. Ypou’re the one that started throwing shade on my slot and you’re the one trying to make me look scummy. Although Kiiruma is doing the same thing too.

Don’t make me laugh Gorta. I haven’t done anything scummy today.

Good night too.

i am seer i peeked achro


You’ll just have to trust me on this town. If we execute a villager, we could very well be in lylo tomorrow and my heart tells me that executing Gorta today is the correct choice, because he’s very unlikely to be a villager. I’ll take full responsibility if I’m wrong on this. Both Vul and Achro, both of them flipped villagers mind you, trusted Eliza, so I want to as well. Everything points towards Gorta being the right execution for today and the wolves setting up Eliza for a mislynch.

Now time for me to call it a night and I intend to be the type of leader that this village needs now that Achro is dead. Listen to me and I’ll lead us to victory! :sleepingleafeon:

ElizaThePsycho (3): beancat, Zone_Q11, Kiiruma
Gorta (2): ElizaThePsycho, Leafia

Not Voting (6): WindwardAway, Hippopablompoyeetus, Gorta, Trochilidae, Amelia, Illwei

Can’t sleep due to wanting to note one other point. NKA also points to me being right. Kiiruma and Gorta knew that they could never get me misexed with Achro alive, which is likely why they killed him last night. While for that same reason, I would never have killed Achro as wolf here because he would make sure I couldn’t be misexed if he was alive, so for their plan to work, Achro needed to die.

Remember that Achro said I was locktown to him if Pigeon flipped v, and what did Pigeon flip? V. For that reason, if I’m a wolf, killing Achro last night is beyond stupid. Please don’t be tricked by the wolves among us town. Although I won’t really blame you if you are. Both of them played really well. Good night again. :sleepingleafeon:

Time to fly

Scumteam is still Leafia/Hippo/Zone/maybe more

@WindwardAway ping me if ya want me to vote a certain way thanks

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We are absolutely not killing Gorta, no way.

But they’re not w/w…

Then why aren’t you voting Eliza today and have her as town suddenly?