Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread 2 - Town emerged victorious!

There is literally no way we are executing Gorta today

And there is no way we’re letting you lead, either.

How do you feel about Eliza currently? She’s now being counterwagoned on Gorta

Ill c’t sleep and do you want to win or lose Wind? If you don’t want to trust me,trust Achro and his read on both me and Eliza.

I’ve always had her as town but if we had exed her yesterday, she wouldn’t be a misexe target today. And look how much Kiiruma and Gorta are partnering up on this.

There is a way if town is smart. If we misexe again Wind, we stand a very high chance of losing and every cell in my body is telling me that executing Gorta today leadd to a town win.

Sorry, but I’m the best choice for the job.

Here is what Achro had to say about me in his journal and he’s literally a flipped villager and a very skilled player so he’d know. I’m not that skilled as a wolf and you know that Wind. We are executing Gorta today because it’s a game winning play. If town loses because of it, I’ll even create an alt to use for the next alt allowed game called Village Idiot. You have my word on that. Trust me Wind. I honestly think Gorta is the consort. Look at how sure he was that Eliza couldn’t be consort and try to tell me otherwise.

In fact, let’s do the math here Wind. We’re either lookingvat a world in which Eliza is a villager and Kiiruma and Gorta are both wolves or one in which Eliza is a wolf along with Gorta and Kiiruma.

Now what happens if Eliza flips v like I think she will? The two of them will likely claim that I had TMI that she was a villager and point out that I shouldn’t still be alive if I’m really a sheriff in an attempt to get me misexed

What happens if Eliza is a wolf though? Kiiruma and Gorta get put in the towncore and can easily push wolf agenda and win. You saw how eager Kiiruma is to tie me to an Eliza w flip. t!Kiiruma is smart enough not to do that.

To clarify, the alt will be called Village Idiot.

I need you to be smart and trust me here Wind. Exeing Gorta is the right play to make. Not exeing Eliza. Exeing Eliza here loses town the game 100% of the time.

In fact, I’m so sure of this that if Gorta somehow flips town then Hippo can shoot me tonight.

Now good night for the final time tonight. Hopefully. Yawns :sleepingleafeon:

I will just outright say no to sheeping you
You can’t use Achro’s read on you as a good defense for yourself when he was wrong on Alice/pigeon, wrong on Brad, and wrong on Atlas. I think his train of thought was incredibly villagery throughout the game, but I’m not treating his words as gospel when his read accuracy hasn’t been any better than mine. And yes, I could also be wrong, but I don’t believe Gorta is scum. And if you’re going to advocate for us to sheep Achro, why signal boost his townread on you but not his townread on Gorta? Also, he left off with Eliza in his PoE after the pigeon flip, he didn’t have a townread on her. That was mainly Vulgard and me.

Also, we aren’t doing this. If Gorta is town, you are town, and Hippo is town, this is game-losing.

I’m pretty sure he was wrong on Gorta Wind. I can feel it in my bones and at this point I’m considering giving up on sleeping for now. This game has me too keyed up for want of a better term. And if not Gorta, then who?

Fuck, every time I look at Leafia’s posts I swing wildly between “she’s spewing” and “she’s probably town and we lose”.

Which is why I want Eliza dead first, because if she is actually the consort then we lose the game if we don’t vote her out immediately because she could block Hippo from self-resolving.

Idk what to say about Leafia anymore, she’s gone between towny (TWTBAW) and scummy today, and moreso than on previous days. I don’t doubt Frost would roll two sheriffs and a seer and put all of them in the game and assume it isn’t broken. It’s not about the mech for me. But some of Leafia’s arguments don’t make sense and I’m not sure if it’s just because it’s Leafia tunnelled into her own worldview or if it’s because she’s defending a scum partner (and the former is only because of what happened in FAM recently where we pretty much all deadass thought she was wolfing for pushing me over Arctic who was mechanically near-outed).

My fear is that Eliza and Leafia are both town, but I think in that case we’ve been on track to lose for a while now and I’m not really sure I should care. I’m mechanically confirmed as town, Illwei is next most mechanically confirmed, and then we have a bunch of green checks we have to filter through as potential godfathers if nobody else flips godfather. We have either a fifth wolf or a second neutral killer which also throws a wrench into our solving, and we are in no way hindering Hippo from self-resolving tonight. I believe he can make a good shot if he’s town, and if he’s not town then he will be outed as long as we don’t have a consort in play… which is why it is extremely important for me to get Eliza out before any other potential scum. Only catch is if Gorta’s theory that Eliza isn’t the consort is correct, but I think there’s a decent chance that wolves would be afraid of not claiming the correct targets for the consort blocks or the correct wolf due to potential tracking or PRs outing their actions.

Idk but I’m gonna disappear so I can work, I want to put effort in the game but not in the middle of the workday, so you can sleep if you want

I’m not even pushing you right now; I’m just interested in Eliza first.

If it’s not Gorta then there’s a chance he’s right on Zone

Eliza is still PoE regardless

And so is Trochi

Since atlas flipped sheriff we know for a fact Kiiruma can only be exactly godfather as a wolf, or otherwise he’s just town

Leafia hasn’t flipped so any of her checks could be town or any kind of wolf if we don’t know her alignment

But I want Eliza resolved today, not Leafia

Cause I think she is perfectly capable of hard wolfsiding accidentally as town lol

Anyway, bye for now

This is most likely the case and we always lose if we exe Eliza today and what makes you so sure Hippo is 100% town? Also, Gorta or someone else could be consirt too if we have one, but I lowkey think we don’t have a consort.

We’re not executing Eliza today because if we do, mafia will have an almost certain road to victory no matter the outcome. If you believe that I have even the smallest chance of being a villager you always exe Gorta over Eliza because he has much bigger wolf equity and in worlds where Kiiruma and Gorta are wolves together, everything makes sense.

Actually I want to look through Vulgard’s legacy again later

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