Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread 2 - Town emerged victorious!

You’re the one hardwolfsiding here. The wolves want Eliza executed today. I’m nearly certain of that now.

Leafia, you fucking greenchecked Hippo and have been hard defending him since D2 saying he’s probably town. Why are you asking me why I think he’s town? I’m not sure, and that’s why I want to let him self-resolve. If there is any chance he can be blocked by a consort, he won’t self-resolve and then we’re screwed.

You’re defending a likely consort, Leafia.

If we had a consort, I honestly think they would’ve rbed me last noght, don’t you?

If you don’t want to vote Eliza, vote me. Don’t vote Gorta.

Not if you’re teamed with them???

No I’m not because I don’t think we have a consort.

If wolves don’t have a consort they would’ve just killed you instead :person_shrugging:

Wind, if I’m on the same team.as Eliza like I think I am, then Eliza is a villager too.

Ok, if I tell you not to vote Gorta, and you’re saying not to vote Eliza, who’s next in line from your pov?

Not if they thought they could push me and get me misyeeted like Kiiruma and Gorta are doing today.

Honestly, Kiiruma is most likely GF although out of the ones not greenchecked, I’d say Trochi.

Ok you know what, I’m not wasting any more time on this, sorry. I don’t really care if the day gets hammered early because I cannot be arsed with arguing in circles anymore. If Eliza is town, I take full responsibility for losing us the game, but I am not moving my stance that the consort needs to go.

VOTE: ElizaThePsycho

Wind, if there was a consort, I would’ve been rbed. How about we compromise here and execute Trochi?

FYI to everyone else
I no longer think Leafia is guaranteed scum if Eliza flips wolf, but I think Trochi might be

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We are executing Eliza today

I hate this game lmao

Then let’s execute Trochi right now. We both agree on them being scum and it’s better than this fighting between us.

VOTE: Trochi @Host_Account_2

@Trochilidae whenever you’re free, I want your opinion on this entire thing, too

Nope. Trochi and Gorta are both better choices. Take your pick.