Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

much obliged.

So let’s have some in thread fun. Can you try to rank all of the people who have posted from towniest to least townie? Maybe denote a line when you get to below neutral? This is a good way to keep track of everyone in your own head and it provides content to the thread. Basically I am operating under what I call a ‘day one assumption’, which dies when night one starts that you are town Leafia. You could be wolf, but I don’t like to keep open all possibilities at all times otherwise it is hard to sort. So since I think you’re town for today, I want to get a lot of content out of you because it seems to me like a lot of people enjoy interacting with you and about you. and that might lead somewhere.

I think we’re still missing a few people from active discourse, but I assume they will wander in at some point.

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Hi Brad. So far, to my brief glance at your iso, you only really seem to have town reads. For one, have those town reads held, and two, do you have anyone you think is worth more of a look at today? In a suspicion sort of way.

The only one that hasn’t really held was the Leafia townread but I think it’s more influence from certain others (Mainly Illwei)
Everything else has held.

And because the site is discourse I have a harder time gaining scumreads that aren’t beyond reasoning of “gut” unless I somehow stumble upon something.

Also I take the approach mostly of “Gain towncore, kill through POE” and yeah.

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Interesting. Is it common for a town Illwei to vote hop frequently day one? Also, when she does so, does she also tend to do it without much explanation of the vote as she votes? Some people I know like to snap vote and then let it play out. Would you say this fits her style?

The phrase ‘kill through POE’ has probably left me traumatized for six months after my champs game, but it is valid all the same. What do you think Illwei has done to shake your Leafia town read?


Sure thing. They won’t be ordered within the tiers though.



Out of these three, I’m least sure about Kiiruma. Consider him hanging on to this list by his fingernails.









If either Wazza or Vulgard flip scum later on, put the other one into my townleans. The Eliza scumlean is mainly due to me finding it weird how much Eliza wants everyone to massclaim when we have anticlaim mechanics.


I’ve been traveling the entirety of today, am on a short layover

What Illwei has done is two things to shake my townread of Leafia: 1. Have scumreads in past games that end up being correct, which I get that it has nothing to do with this game but when I know someone that has great reads I tend to give their word way more weight.
2. Just overall her explanations of why Leafia’s posts were wolfy. I kinda understood where she was coming from and the reasons.

Illwei vote hopping is normal for her town game…she did it a relatively decent amount in the PR Madness game I was speaking about on MU, including 0 explanation votes.
Actually a decent amount of players do this on MU as town, it just happens.
And yeah I would say the “vote and let it play out” kinda fits in there.

Oops. Sorry and fair enough.

Hmm, I feel like your two most in depth posts this game have been explaining Illwei to me. It is a bit concerning you only seem to find your voice when talking about one particular player. I hope you manage to expand a bit more as the day and game goes on, but for now I appreciate the info.

Yeah you’ll get used to that.

I’ll out my stuff when I get it like I told Vulgard.

If I have a townread I’m super confident on I lodge it into your head.

Do I do iso’s right now or is it too early for it?

good to know

how many swings and misses do you give illwei before you start to go ‘uh oh’? Is there a number?

Also do an iso of me, I am very ego centric and new!

Fine and possibly 2 at most.

Fuck you have 104 dude.

less than Illwei!

Crying bc im just a pleb average player

Funny bc i have but not as much
Implies to me that you havent actually read anything ive posted besides about you which isn’t ai for people like me idk

I think for a majority of my read here I had a bit of a mindmelt with Illwei.
Like I can understand vulgard’s read here on Eliza it’s just that I personally don’t entirely agree with it.
If vulgard is a wolf it would mean vulgard just made that post to reach for a town read and IMO may indicate that if vulgard flips wolf then Eliza is probably town as I don’t think he is gonna reach for a town read on a wolfmate this early into the game.
also as Illwei pointed out and if I recall correctly I’m fairly certain Eliza does joke post at times so the post itself is a borderline neutral post that should not serve as alignment indicate.

Basically the reason this post caught my eye was because achro has done allot of that “Village/Wolfy Post” and Illwei pointing that out feels like a good look for them.

So first off I want to point out that the first part here had a very genuine vibe towards it, starting off with mention of they read by “Gut” and backed it up by stating how good their gut has been on a past experience level. Like I can relate to some things said and as I said previously “Genuine Vibes” there was allot of honesty within that post. Sometimes within a mafia games if you read into someone too socially and pin point anything that looks townie or things people say about the game that look real good or something it isn’t always the go to aka Reason ain’t always accurate. Personally I look at things that aren’t done by a wolf or I feel have no wolf motivation and I feel Illwei here has no wolf motivation. I’m not saying having no reasoning is to be considered normal I’m saying that don’t consider no reason gut reads bad because quite honestly its still readable you just gotta know how to tell if someone’s gut read is real or fake.

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