Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

still kinda feels like she’s just trying to backtrack to make people stop thinking she’s aligned with wazza


I would never depose u

she’s literally doing exactly what she did in Last Stand of Virtous

or whatever the game it was called where she was Visionary or whatever and I was NK
you were the King towards the end

she might just be v and i’m dumb
i have no fucking clue why she townreads me though

i subbed in after leafia died
so idk what you mean here

got a link?

you dont want to go in the archive

they say when you stare too long into the archive it stares back at you

in that game she instantly outted as vis and it had to be reranded so

you subbed in
on D5…?

yeah well if someone’s only point ‘they did this before’ then I either have to tell them to stop or check.

im pretty sure she got reranded to the other evil leader though

Sfol67 i believe

yeah I think so

and me and Leafia argued
all fucking game
while her scumteam died around her

then I killed her
then I was obvious NK because she died
so then I lost as well

1.7k posts I had

reading the archive is brutally painful but I’ll go grab it now

Wazza is nk

yeah i remember that
you played well

Do you think Leafia has outed anyone this game as wolf?