Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Noted. What are your thoughts on WWA’s PR claim?

In that game I was calling you scum, then town, then scum again. That’s not the same as this game and even if it was, it doesn’t prove or even mean I’m dcum here too.

Now good night everyone. I need sleep. :sleepingleafeon:

Wouldn’t kill bean today, tbh.

Post on WWA felt extremely contorted but their explanation is not inherently wolfy per-se and looks more like a conf-biased villager, tbh.

Like, since WWA did claim PR then I kind of don’t really see why the hell would W!Cheese just try to tunnel them since they can just use mech to prove themselves since literally all roles have varying degrees of mech confirmation. W/W wouldn’t make sense either, tbh.

Currently feeling that literally everyone posting is villagery, tbh.

I should prolly re-read Vul/Brad/Illwei when I get the time.

Day 2 VC

Voted Voter Count
Leafia WindwardAway, Zone_Q11, Wazza 3/9
PlagueSimp Leafia 1/9
WindwardAway Beancat 1/9
Not-voted Gorta, Bradland, PlagueSimp, Hippo, Atlas, Vulgard, Achromatic, Kiiruma, Alice, Illwei, ElizaThePsycho 11

Correct me on PM for VC mistakes

you guys know how ybw said she’s becoming the joker in the silent hill game
thats how i feel right now

In both games, your change in heart and thoughts on me were done to benefit surrounding others

Who claimed godfather?

I’ll review one more person before I sleep

@Illwei could you link me some of your games tomorrow?

Gorta thinks that you could be a fakeclaiming GF.

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…? Were we not talking about Vul?

yeah im going to leave this game for a bit
i expect you all to carry me if you don’t it is entirely your fault and i have done nothing wrong ever
/vote leafia @Host_Account_2
i don’t vote unless im certain im completely fine if they’re dead

might come back for eod
might not
we’ll see

Couldn’t sleep and now you’re just confbiasing yourself. You can’t prove that was my motivation that game too. Why wouldn’t I do thst regardless of alignment?

You. Don’t you remember?

I’m not going to even respond to Atlas or Wazza any more doing so is only helping the wolves.

I’m officially done giving the wolves akmunition to misyeet me with. On another note , I did give watching some episodes of Happy Tree Friends a try and it’s a pretty good series. Wasn’t expecting to find out that Lumpy and Mole’s death clips were taken from the same short in the same T.V. series episode though, namelh thg he second one. I’ve watched three episodes in the T.V. series of it so far on Youtube.

I’m pretty sure it was because I thought her post on “why are people suspecting Leafia?” made sense and bean was the only one other than me saying that leafia hadn’t done anything explicitly wolfy, and also because Marl went “why aren’t we looking at beancat?” at some point and it sounded more like what a wolf says about some LHF-y villa than a partner

But I can double check again and see if my memory is just poop