Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Let me counter that with this: Why should you be voting me? You were at least slightly townleaning me at EoD yesterday and even after Marl outed you still thought I wasn’t partnered with him. At least I think it wax you that said that. As for your question, without the Marl stuff, I don’t think I’ve been out of either of my ranges to be honest. Although I’ve been slightly more villagery than wolfy I think.

Now tell me why Marl wouldn’t have acted the way he did yesterday when I’m a villager. It’s basically taking down an arso and a villsger in one fell swoop.

When did I ever say you weren’t partnered with Marl? All I said was that you were null and Marl was wolfing.

Leafia you are going to get your day in court. You said to begin day one you didn’t want to focus on overly defending yourself. Let’s stick to that. It’s early, and there’s plenty of people to hear from.

Can you point to who you think are some of the best lynches to explore today? Also who do you like the most as town?

And hd barely even stated a wolfread on me. Also, he knew he said that so of course he’d do it regardless and he even has a history of doing it.

Wind let’s not tunnel even if its right. Give me wolves in a world where leafia is wolf with marl and let’s see if that ‘makes sense’ its a good way to try to build a credible world far out. If you don’t mind. I don’t think we need to focus squarely on leafia today to do a good job of solving. Let leafia go on the offensive a bit and you focus on others for the next bit. Does that sound reasonable?

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I’ll see if I can find it. I know someone said it. I think it was you but I’m not 100% certain.

Answer to this is because Marl sussed you from the start of the day, long before he thought he would flip.
He was getting townread by quite a few people and then Achro started pushing him for how he was handling Achro, I started pushing him for how he was handling me, idk what happened in between but then Marl claimed ret, eevee outed as arso, Marl outed as consig and decided he would be fine with dying as long as eevee also died.
He was definitely not planning to die at the beginning of the day, so if he was partnered with you, the plan was to bus you and for marl to survive and probably push me for fucking around in the thread defending you, because he had TMI it was incorrect.

Vul and I can confirm that:

  • Zorvo killed min and committed suicide.
  • Mafia anticlaim strongmanned eevee.

We don’t know whether SK exists or not, but if they do then they are either blocked, attacked a healed target, or double killed one within Zorvo/min.

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It sounds very reasonable to me.

zorvo’s cause of death was stated to be guilt

even if its possible i dont think so

We can check cause of death?

Zone, are you any good at solving?

only zorvo’s said it

That doesn’t explain why he wouldn’t do it if I’m a villager.

Sure, I can do that.
But I actually voted Leafia to gauge her reaction, not because I intended to tunnel her for the entire day. This is what I was looking for from her. She’s getting defensive, but her way of defending herself is to claim that she voted a wolf (after the wolf had already outed) and that Marl would never bus her, which is provably false because Marl has said it in other threads or possibly even in the wolfchat from that game.

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stop responding to wind, it’s chill. go offensive. let’s not get stuck in a loop early day. I promise we’re going to explore plenty of avenues.

it was
“Min has died!”
“Zorvo has died from guilt!”
“Eevee has died!”

yeah I know but I had a feeling that could go awhile lol

Also notice Leafia is not OMGUSing me and pushing me back