Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Hey Atlas,
Thoughts on executing Leafia?

More on the Kii thing
Would have to read Kiiā€™s reaction to get a more definitive read but itā€™s not exactly how Iā€™d expect Marl to distance from a partner

I donā€™t remember ever seeing his Hippo read but maybe itā€™s cause I lost my place in his iso and Iā€™m reading backwards

This implies heā€™s calling Alice town

Throws me in with Achro

OK Iā€™ve now skimmed all of Marlā€™s iso and saw nothing on Brad



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im fine with it
sheā€™s done basically nothing towny past a few things d1
also i think when sheā€™s around solving kinda plummets because people donā€™t know how to ignore people


(I feel like Windward is doing all my work for me.)

Windward, thoughts on this?

Well yeah thatā€™s why I was trying to gauge Leafia immediately upon entering the thread today

That post looked like he was just annoyed he randed wolf with Leafia again

But some of the later posts look more like heā€™s using her usual meta as grounds to push her, while also knowing that if he flips first, Leafia will flip because of antispew.

So maybe he didnā€™t expect to flip early, but just hoped he could get Leafia out on d1 as LHF, in which case yeah, we shouldnā€™t just turbo her

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Not a very good look for Brad admittedly.

I donā€™t think leafia is the worst wagon to exist today
I definitely do not want her in LyLo if she is town or we are screwed because someone will vote her
But Iā€™m going to explore other options and see what I can find.
I think Vulgard is right and I should be looking at Brad again because I got absolutely nothing on him from Marl, which is fishy.

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Iā€™m not fine with it and solving doesnā€™t plummet because of me.

I actually think we should look at Wazza first honestly. Although Brad isnā€™t the worst alternative I guess.

Hmā€¦ Would Marl still push for Leafia, even while knowing that she would be targeted because of his spew?

More specifically: Is Marl a player who would think far enough to fakespew Leafia as wolf?

Because I donā€™t. I think the only people capable of doing that are people like eevee, Vul, and Alice.

Not sure what youā€™re trying to say here Zone.

Thatā€™s fine. You donā€™t need to.

town focusing on you is useless because youā€™re such a wildcard
and you draw a lot of attention


Day 2 VC

Voted Voter Count
Leafia WindwardAway, Zone_Q11 2/9
Wazza Leafia 1/9
Not-voted Gorta, Bradland, PlagueSimp, Hippo, Atlas, Vulgard, Achromatic, Kiiruma, Alice, Wazza, Beancat, Illwei, ElizaThePsycho 13

Correct me on PM for VC mistakes

But more like, because sheā€™s easy to push and her wagon had traction BEFORE he gave his read. If you look at his first post mentioning Leafia, he said something like ā€œLeafia is top wagon already? I gotta see this!ā€

Sorry my phone died lol

Why Wazza?

Alright weā€™re 2 evils down. But vig misshot a citizen, so itā€™s unfortunate but not the biggest of losses. IDK why they suspected min though out of everyone tbh.

The kill on Arso was probably by strongman (due to anticlaim) mafia.

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they used my cit claim for that since people know I claim D1 anyway.
IDK if anyone else claimed D1. I donā€™t exactly want to look for them.

Is it just me or does Gorta feel a bit moreā€¦ non-committal than usual? There were no votes or reads D1 really. I feel like Gorta could just be evil whoā€™s a bit lost.

Still not a reason to blindly execute me.

Marl fairly consistently attempted to vote Wazza and said heā€™d rather vote her out before voting you out. If anything, if your interpretation is that Marl would not want to bus you, it looks worse for you and better for Wazza.

Because of how her D1 was and because I think sheā€™s the most likely wolf here.