Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

but it wont hurt town either

sheā€™s not nk probably
what she brought up about her wim and activity made sense

sheā€™s had null in terms of good content
that i will agree with

You cant solve nks during the day reliably.

im aware
there aint no point in not trying to when i got the time though

I couldnā€™t care less if she was NK or not itā€™s not exactly easy to just pinpoint that and based on the deaths from N1, thereā€™s no sign of another NK

Sometimes when things get heated, Iā€™ll say justbabout anything if I think itā€™ll help my position because I donā€™t think things through most of the time. Regardless of if theyā€™re true or not, but when Iā€™m a villager, Iā€™ll always believe it in the heat of the moment, even if I do realize it isnā€™t true later on. Thatā€™s NAI for me.

Mostly because Iā€™m being cautious and I want to see Hippo flipping before putting you in my towncore?

Like, if heā€™s W then Iā€™ll just lock you in V and if heā€™s V then Iā€™ll re-read you to get a better read. I donā€™t see any form of TMI coming from you so I think you should be good in either case?

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So you are saying that marl would in fact do what others thought he was doing with you this game?

Someone who does stupid things and makes stupid decisions for no reason and doesnā€™t learn from their mistakes.

Atlas. I cannot prove that.
Yes, there should be at least one Insane, but what Gorta and Wazza wants is proof that I am Insane. And I legitimately just canā€™t do that, because my role does absolutely nothing.

This is like basically Plagueā€™s only post when it comes to interacting with content.

Donā€™t think them/Wazza are aligned as struggly wolves generally donā€™t use their partners as a first detailed read to get into the thread.

if theres only one

Honestly, I can see him potentially doing it if I was w/w with him even if I do think he wouldā€™ve handled things differently. Iā€™m not exactly sure how differently, but Marlā€™s interactions with me hardly make me more likely to be a wolf like some people have been pushing.

Me waiting for Leafia to finish catching up on the posts so that sheā€™ll see my one further down:

no seriously

Alright. Hn.

Will think this over in my dreams. Night all.

  1. Someone who does stupid things
  2. Someone who never learns
  3. Someone who is impossible to read
  4. Someone who makes nonsensical posts for no reason
  5. Someone who is constantly and inherently wrong, and whether they are right or not is up to practically a cointoss
  6. Someone who doesnā€™t play to their wincondition
    those are some decent guidelines
    iā€™d say fitting into 4+ makes you a bad player
    you fit into at least 4
    iā€™d say all 6 but of course you disagree

as a fellow bad player who is out and proud i would like to say that i complrtely blame other people for not being able to read me