Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

development doesn’t matter if it ain’t reasonable

Talking about your read on me, I don’t care about your other reads, I’ll just pretend to.

ngl had no idea you even suspected Marl.
You wanna quote this?

But you can also expect that a town member won’t switch between voting another player every 10 fucking minutes then being like “oh I have doubts on them” and then going BACK ONTO THEM when they start suspecting you.

yeah at this point im debating trolling myself

hi debating trolling myself, I’m mom

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i got mega trolled

hi i got mega trolled

Because it’s different and I don’t know what it means or if it’s alignment related. It just concerns me. She’s still a townlean for me currently.

Prove that it’s true then.

Just because you can’t read me doesn’t mean I don’t make any sense.

its wazza
she has every nk game she’s ever had memorized

shes either a wolf or telling the truth

she can be telling the truth as a wolf
but still

You literally can’t know how many duplicates, uniques, and unused town roles there are in this game unless you are a host.

Anything you say would just become a speculation with an unreliable certainty because it is based on your own personal judgement.

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I couldn’t care less what you think right now. I’m practically convinced you’re a wolf at this point.

its not really speculation
it was implied
you’re right its not 100% but i believe thats what he always had in mind

This argument’s actually pointless, tbh. Now that Eevee’s dead there’s no way we’d know how many of each role there is in the game.

And if your thoughts really were cemented, then you wouldn’t admit the possibility that you’re wrong about me. I honestly don’t care about your alignment any more. I just want you dead.

i assume he was telling the truth about at least most of it btw
he wasnt lying about vig or mayor

Like, I’m p sure Zone is V as aside from his d1 posts a “jokingly claim SK->claim vig->claim Insane” feels too bonkers to be a wolf gambit, tbh.

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