Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

wazza might wanna tone it down
leafia is definitely wrong yes
but we shouldnt get angry about her for not understanding

I havenā€™t been changing my reads even close to that fast or much and you know it and I never once changed my read on you anyway. I just started considering the possibility that I was wrong. Thatā€™s not scummy behavior.

escalating this is how thread dies for all of d2


Yh, shit like this kills peoplesā€™ WiM.

go get your screenshots in
then we can rest about this

I couldnā€™t care less tbh

Sheā€™s definitely a wolf and just shading me big time.

if other people are getting pressed by me directing things at Leafia itā€™s on them

sadly the rest of us do
lets stop nonsense
prove leafia wrong
she is never going to understand

legit what Iā€™m doing rn unfortunately these archives love 10 posts at a time

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we gotta understand that and move on
be better

just be patient and donā€™t go too far
leafia isnt going to see the truth no matter what you do
no point getting mad about it

Thatā€™s not a wagon that should exist Zone.

You literally are insulting me by calling me a bad player.

The argument was against myself, so Iā€™d argue that it wasnā€™t pointless, but rather counterproductive.

The stupid thing is: How the hell does a normal Arsonist know about the specific setup details?

I can believe it if he knew the details of all roles as means of fakeclaim, but: Why would the hosts -specifically Frost- give him the precise details about how many of each role is in the game?

My answer: Using Occamā€™s Razor, itā€™s seems obvious to me that eevee was laying about knowing the numbers and attempted to survive as long as possible by using [information] as his worth / reason to live past D2.

Iā€™m not going to go out of my way to prove to Leafia that sheā€™s scum

fair enough

she isnā€™t going to listen either way since why tf would she :wowee:

but sheā€™s a stubborn as fuck player and it pisses me off that she does the same thing and then tries to say ā€œbut Iā€™m not doing that!!!ā€


thats not an insult
insult the play, not the player