Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Currently feeling that literally everyone posting is villagery, tbh.

I should prolly re-read Vul/Brad/Illwei when I get the time.

Day 2 VC

Voted Voter Count
Leafia WindwardAway, Zone_Q11, Wazza 3/9
PlagueSimp Leafia 1/9
WindwardAway Beancat 1/9
Not-voted Gorta, Bradland, PlagueSimp, Hippo, Atlas, Vulgard, Achromatic, Kiiruma, Alice, Illwei, ElizaThePsycho 11

Correct me on PM for VC mistakes

you guys know how ybw said sheā€™s becoming the joker in the silent hill game
thats how i feel right now

In both games, your change in heart and thoughts on me were done to benefit surrounding others

Who claimed godfather?

Iā€™ll review one more person before I sleep

@Illwei could you link me some of your games tomorrow?

Gorta thinks that you could be a fakeclaiming GF.

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ā€¦? Were we not talking about Vul?

yeah im going to leave this game for a bit
i expect you all to carry me if you donā€™t it is entirely your fault and i have done nothing wrong ever
/vote leafia @Host_Account_2
i donā€™t vote unless im certain im completely fine if theyā€™re dead

might come back for eod
might not
weā€™ll see

Couldnā€™t sleep and now youā€™re just confbiasing yourself. You canā€™t prove that was my motivation that game too. Why wouldnā€™t I do thst regardless of alignment?

You. Donā€™t you remember?

Iā€™m not going to even respond to Atlas or Wazza any more doing so is only helping the wolves.

Iā€™m officially done giving the wolves akmunition to misyeet me with. On another note , I did give watching some episodes of Happy Tree Friends a try and itā€™s a pretty good series. Wasnā€™t expecting to find out that Lumpy and Moleā€™s death clips were taken from the same short in the same T.V. series episode though, namelh thg he second one. Iā€™ve watched three episodes in the T.V. series of it so far on Youtube.

Iā€™m pretty sure it was because I thought her post on ā€œwhy are people suspecting Leafia?ā€ made sense and bean was the only one other than me saying that leafia hadnā€™t done anything explicitly wolfy, and also because Marl went ā€œwhy arenā€™t we looking at beancat?ā€ at some point and it sounded more like what a wolf says about some LHF-y villa than a partner

But I can double check again and see if my memory is just poop

/vote PlagueSimp

WWA, thoughts on beanā€™s push on you?

Bean probably town, ok

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yraeh im not

Typical town bean