Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Right, so what do you think about Hippo linking Marl to Leafia d1?

Wait, did Brad wolfread anyone this game?

Yh, just checked his ISO. Thatā€™s another major cause for concern. Last time Iā€™ve wolfed with him he had trouble pushing people and he basically had no suspicions this entire game and had no votes for the entirety of d1.

More certain on Brad/Hippo, tbh.

I unironically overestimated Marlā€™s wolfgame
Sorry Marl

Yeah Iā€™ve changed my mind on a lot of things since day 1
Iā€™ll need to check you/Marl interactions again because that part is something that might actually still hold true

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WWA did claim a PR earlier and I donā€™t think a wolf in her position would make a claim like that, tbh.

His takes have been sort of wtf this entire game and there was also the part when he claimed Sheriff as a meme so frankly idk what heā€™s doing

I sort of donā€™t think Hippo/Leafia are paired

No. Itā€™s the opposite: I claimed Insane, so if anyone sees me visiting eevee, then they could (and probably should tbh) redcheck me for lying.

Read this:

Hereā€™s Bradā€™s reason for not defending Marl, and just two posts up in his ISO heā€™s fighting Achro hard on the Illwei read.

ā€¦yeah, actually, Brad can die.


Current wolfteam pitch?

He townleans Marl and doesnā€™t have a more confident scumread to push for, but also doesnā€™t even bother to defend Marl or give reasons why heā€™s town

I think Vulgard is right

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/vote Bradland @Host_Account_2

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Mostly because I still think the ā€œone wolf at most on Marlā€™s wagon at its peakā€ read is still legit

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Iā€™m referring to the time before he outed himself as mafia btw

He did not

Yeah, his slot was still redeemable at that point and unless thereā€™s a bus-happy wolf on the team, I donā€™t think they wouldā€™ve tried to bus him. It was fairly early in the day and everyone knows that wagons tend to shift wildly before EoD.

See above, more certain on the Brad/Hippo team now.

Only uncertainty for me is basically the third one as if itā€™s not Plague then itā€™s someone who got miscleared.

Though looking back I donā€™t think we should take Marlā€™s 4-wolf claim literally as he couldā€™ve lied and made us look for a SK instead of a 5th wolf.

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Some combination of my PoE people so something like you/gorta/windy/hippo/leafia/brad

Hippo/Leafia not w/w and if I want to maintain the windy/Marl read then I should remove her but Iā€™m not completely sure

It would leave me at you/hippo/brad or you/leafia/brad

Maybe Wazza if I want to stretch but I still havenā€™t re-read her

Oh, I know, and because there wasnā€™t another kill last night Iā€™ve been taking that into account and not narrowing my PoE all the way.

a town lean for now, waiting for game links to verify