Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Well you see: I don’t know Brad well enough to confirm nor deny this.
So I’ll take your word for granted in this case, and just label Brad as ‘sus’ for the time being, and continue this discussion when Leafia is gone.

What about Marl? Didn’t his interactions with Leafia spew her as wolf? (Ah, but then again Marl seems to be spewing much about Brad according to Windward…)

Hm… Fair enough.

also is it me or is the site having trouble refreshing the page?

So the funny thing is that we sort of agree on two wolves but I think the third one might be you and you think the third one might be someone else
Talk to me about why you think Wazza is town because I feel like her arguing over Leafia’s skill level is in her wolfrange

Marl didn’t mention Brad at all from what I saw
Which is odd, considering Brad plopped a townlean on him, didn’t elaborate, and then later on Brad decided he was suddenly fine with letting Marl get wagoned and then disappeared?
Pretty sure that was even before Marl openwolfed, and then Brad just dipped and didn’t come back

I don’t think so? Looks more like Marl trying to mislynch Leafia and Leafia misreading him as V due to reasonable circumstances.

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Yeah wolves wasted their kp
Unless anticlaim is directly linked to their only kp which would be unfathomably stupid but I can’t completely discount that possibility

You can confirm this by checking his ISO and noticing how hard he railed on Achro for daring to suspect Illwei
That’s more like what he does as town
My issue is that he didn’t do it with Marl and Marl happened to be a wolf, while Illwei is likely town, so that’s kinda sus


Who are you asking, me?
It was where Wazza tagged four of us to interrogate us as to why we didn’t express a read on her yet at that point. Maybe I’m jumping the gun on that one, but I’ve only ever gotten tagged by her demanding me to make a read on her when she’s town lol.

Mostly gut?

A lot of what Wazza has done is very similar to her play in Umineko where I wrongly wolfread them for it.

I was asking Alice, sorry

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If Brad is a wolf he was straight TMI-ing Illwei as town but couldn’t bring himself to do it for a partner.

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anyway, I should sleep, it’s 3 AM

Well, now you have a bonus answer from me lol

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I’d honestly really like to shift the burden of reading Wazza to another person because I feel like I’m inherently biased against her as I alluded to in my earlier post
There have been games where I recognized her as town very early and I thought she was villagery but this isn’t one of them and I’m unsure whether I’m wrong or not

And I say this because the last time I wolfed with him, he used meta reasons to whiteknight Wazza who was being wagoned on D1 as usual

And he “tried” to get Wazza and me to townread each other (I was a wolf) but I think his defense of me fell flat and he just went “yeah wind is town off meta” and didn’t really ever elaborate

So Brad not having any sort of take on Wazza is weird as hell, Wazza is right to question that regardless of her alignment

But I do think if they were w/w, Wazza would’ve poked Brad incessantly in wolfchat about giving some sort of meta townread on her because it would look fishy if he didn’t.

We’d prolly have the solve already if Seth shot a PoE’d player rather than someone that Marl spewed V, tbh.

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Usually Brad always has a starting read on Illwei, Wazza and me

This time he failed to have a read on Wazza and also I think once? Twice? Put me in his town list and never really elaborated, just said he wanted to sheep me on Min, and kind of didn’t say anything else about Min, either.

Lol yeah
Oh well

Though, since he didn’t shoot Achro then I guess that’s better than what happened in FAM2.