Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

ok sure buddy

kinda want a sweep

I still dunno what the argument for me bussing marl is

Why would i bus the consig and marl d1. Marls prolly the strongest wolf player they have looking at playerlist and reads, and consig is strongest role

kinda donā€™t think i can read anyone

Hippo did you have an actual argument for Wazza being NK on day 1 or did you just throw that out there for memes because Iā€™m not sure

When you voted Marl it was still early-ish in the day which meant that his lynch wasnā€™t sealed. After he got buried by Achro and claimed Ret he kind of had to be bussed, tbh.

I didnt have an argument with them i just said it i cant remember why

Prollly cuz i didnt think they were mafia cuz ppl were rando piling on them a bit strongly but also they werent showing themself to he super towny so 3p cld have made sense with gamestate

Also i said kill kiiruma cuz they had a really stupid post that mafia used kiirumas villa claim to strongman eevee

When theyd obviously have just used eevees arso claim to strongman eevee.

So it looked like kiiruma literaly just said that to remind people that they are town

ā€¦with how often Hippo and Marl were making 3p reads if the former flips W then I feel like thereā€™s some substance behind Marl claiming that there are 2 3ps in the game, tbh.

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Alice i made like 3 rp reads in my 100 posts or so

rp reads

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U need to take a stepback if ur town lol

I will say if leafias mafia alice cld be too because alice started sussing me after I grouped Leafia and Marl

probably thread context of the fact that I often do stuff when Iā€™m NK and nothing else

Anyway, Iā€™m still confused about the whole situation between Marl and Eevee as to my knowledge Marl just

randomly claimed
for like
no reason

And Consig is a powerful role for scum as well, it doesnā€™t make sense


Marl was never endgaming so he basically used the opportunity to drag Eevee down with him.

Thatā€™s basically it.

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Like, reading this itā€™s just ā€œI always die hereā€ which doesnā€™t make sense considering thread context surrounding Marl before he outed.
He claims thereā€™s only 4 mafia (not buying that for a second)


Ye theres deffo 5 mafia or he wldnt have specified thay

Eevee was basically always going to die after outing though
I donā€™t see the point in removing himself, who let me remind you was a powerful Mafia role and a powerful social player who was also pocketing Achro, another seemingly powerful town player as well as others.

Why the hell would he drop all that just to stop whatever Eeveeā€™s gambit was

Mafia strongmanning eevee also suggests that before marl died they were mad in chat and told mafia to kill eveee.

And then overnight no one in mafia thought ā€œhang on a sec thats super dumbā€ and just followed marls suggestion.

So im imagining were against a fairly lowposting/notleading wolfteam