Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

I think Marl would’ve died day 1 even without his claim and subsequent outing because Achro had a lot of threadpull, was suspicious of him, and I agreed with his case on Marl
I did say that Marl’s claim probably came from town but that was a mistake stemming from me overestimating his wolfgame and believing that he wouldn’t make a dumb claim like this (sorry Marl)

The weird part about Marl’s posting is that it indicates that he knew that all the neut roles were anti-town as if he knew them

They also wanted to kill Eevee themselves anyway despite Zone saying he would (Zone tried but apparently was told he’s Insane)

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Wolves and neuts both got info about how every single role in the setup worked
Eevee said as much
Marl knowing it confirms that

Huh, weird

They probably have someone more powerful than consig

Oh, so that was in the OP
but as I said before
Some of what eevee said was speculation and was definitely not something he was told by hosts

The weird thing about scum apparently knowing neut roles is that that is something that would be included in the OP

I think Marl just lied tbh

About the neuts? I doubt they were told but they could just speculate based on number of wolves

Apart from me being huge brained and ppl being jelly what other reason is there to suspect me?

See no one answered

Check mate atheists

Day 2 VC

Voted Voter Count
Bradland Vulgard, WindwardAway, Hippo 3/9
Leafia Zone_Q11, Wazza 2/9
PlagueSimp Leafia 1/9
WindwardAway Beancat 1/9
Gorta Illwei 1/9
Hippo Alice 1/9
Not-voted Gorta, Bradland, PlagueSimp, Atlas, Achromatic, Kiiruma, ElizaThePsycho 7

Correct me on PM for VC mistakes

Fr tho i think vul and achro are both town and imma sheep them both for a bit and just vibe cuz i think apart from me (duh) were on right track

Once things start going tits up ill whip out my megamind

/vote bradland @Host_Account_2

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Everyone leaves after i start spitting facts

Coincidence? I think not

Ftr without wanting to profile someone leafia is deffo the type of player to kill Eever cuz marl said so.

Cuz like honestly mafia wasting a strongman on the arso is so unbelivably bad.

I said like 5 times i was just gonna vote dump on eevee all day today and so did a few other ppl like achro. Even if eevee doesnt get hung today them being alive super centres discussion towards them and makes it way harder for town to organise.

Like no shade but i havent seen such a bad mafia nightkill in quite a while and we should probably just kill the people who would do that cuz its not just a bit weird but extremely baffling.

Also mafia having a weak team makes sense with marl giving up, they may have felt isolated in thread anyway.

If they were partenered with a strong active player, say vul, theyd prolly feel bad doing what they did. Plus the obvious fact that someone like vul wouldnt do the dumb eevee kill.

No. He… did not react at all, IIRC.

…? I could read 35 posts worth of ISO, or I could just ask: What has Plague done so far?