Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

How the fuck do you know that he’s not a wolf? His play has been W!Hippo to a T the same way he played Umineko where he’s not even chasing his reads.

I mean she already called us imbeciles. Shoot your shot

alice is pushing hippo for random reasons we all disagree on
getting mad at us for disagreeing
and then swearing at us and screaming that if she did it twice as town she’d never do it as wolf

Actually I’m gonna say it
And Alice is going to bitch at me for it but whatever, this is just a thought that probably isn’t true
She could be pulling a gambit, not as executioner and not as wolf, but as second arsonist, and she wants to live until D4 so she can douse and ignite.

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Love it. Dont think so but. Five stars.

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I’ve literally been playing with Marl since 2018. He’s mostly emotion/tone and doesn’t really think much about micro-reads.

How the fuck do you know that he is a wolf? Where’s your certainty coming from?

i dont care whether or not shes right
motive means and opportunity

He knows what they are alice lol

Yeah I did realize 3 nights is a bit too short but lol

Because his entire play reeks that he doesn’t believe in his words.

do you genuinely think hippo doesnt believe i am a raging baby

Yes, but deadass nobody was talking about people spewing themselves then and I doubt that Marl would’ve thought about it then.

But also any of marl’s wolf mates could have seen the spew and marl was the spokesperson. So marl’s personql world view matters less

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And why should we be convinced that you believe your words?

Can you not believe things you say and still be town

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I am pretty sure he had partners monitoring the thread

so not gorta?

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That too
I don’t believe I am a forum mafia player
I am town

…I’ve been consistently trying to get Hippo killed since D1.

Hippo goes like “bleh Kii wolfy bleh Leafia wolfy” and never actually tries to get people killed.