Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Yeah, Illwei has been fine lately I think. Besides, I doubt she claims mafia as mafia here. That claim just seemed very jokey.

True. Itā€™s very nice.

im pretty certain leafia just never claims this as wolf
and her team would never let her get away with it if she brought it up in wolfchat (which i think she wouldā€™ve, but still, overestimating people)
kii is probably just v lol
heā€™s had kii v energy all game, even if heā€™s basically never been here
achro we just lose if hes not v so tinfoiling it is just dumb
amelia is cleared by leafia
wind is mechclear and has been towny all game
hippo is mechclear aswell, and he was better slotwise than plague was
Eliza, Gorta, Bean, Zone (Maybe), wazza, pigeon

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Probably a gamewinning PoE at this point. Iā€™ll check within that group tonight.

iā€™ll take it
pigeon is prob just dying today so

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im more confident that eliza is v aswell with zone
but im aware you got your own suspicions so

Going to call it a night now so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:


probably just mass tomorrow tbh. half the town is claimed assuming I believe all them (I think I do)

that and I dont know whats up with the lack of journals.

either theyā€™re forgetting or janitor is doing a little trolling
im fine with assuming all the people who died n1 wouldnā€™t write one but vul not is a bit strange

if he went all his way to write like 20 wallposts per minute why would he not leave his final regards
but eh

just know if i die, i 100% wrote something

If Leafia dies and isnā€™t janitored would we get her results in a possible journal?

Is Janitor 1-shot usually? its considered a very powerful role from where I am from.


Sheā€™d probably be considered as dead before being able to fill them in
Write a journal just in case something messy happens
Iā€™ll doubt youā€™ll need to but still

We donā€™t really know what frost would do
But I assume its around 1-2 shots

quick question, does wolf marl usually not talk about teammates?

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he probably does at least a bit
donā€™t know his meta but i doubt heā€™ll just ignore it

did you review the games Illwei linked?