Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

if no one objects I would like Gorta/Bean/Eliza to claim today. I don’t feel there’s a need for anyone largely town read to claim today but I think the most suspected people make sense. After all, any of them dying during the night would be a boon to the current game state tbh

she fell off
but i have to play the video game to comment any further
which is sad

Mason buddy, here’s where I thought wazza really got cleared:

What if I told you this makes me think Wazza has almost no wolf equity? Read these two back to back. “I think Wazza could be wolf with or without leafia” and then to Wazza “what bothered me more was leafia’s treatment of you.”

quotes are marl to wazza btw

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it doesn’t really tell me much tbh
i have to read your iso though

I am sorry I type so much, friend. Novelist coming out.

yeah yeah i just dont wanna play
give me a bit and hopefully i’ll read it eventually
i cant defend my point without doing so and maybe i’ll change my mind

Of course. Open to any critique of my points, to stress for the 50th time these reads come from a very neutral perspective. So any experience you or anyone has with people I am clearing at the moment would be really helpful.

Vul’s final list

Of the bottom tier two are scanned and then there is Pigeon. One up is invest and Eliza. Then under probably is the rest two more PoEs and he believes Zone is basically lock town.

So given the benefit of knowing what Leafia has done I’d say that he and I would essentially have the same PoE atm although he may have kept Wazza in it over Zone (although Zone is barely in it <_<)

So considering this was day 1, why did you still suspect me during the start of day 2?

quote me please?

(but my generic answer is I constantly re-evaluate day to day and I may read something different day 2 than I do day 3 with a different perspective based off of flips and other mech things available to me now)

Sorry I kinda forgot about this game

Yeah I successfully inherited Zorvo’s role

I hardclaim Town Universal Backup who inherited Zorvo’s role last night

when you see this let me know who you plan on using it tonight.

Ayo I’m a strong role
I’ll shoot someone tonight, anyone. If they don’t die kill me

Well Alice and Brad are confirmed Town to me so /vote Hippo by their wishes @Host_Account_2

Hippo was cleared by the Sheriff. Do you wish to reconsider?

Oh that actually makes sense
/unvote @Host_Account_2