Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Why did that reply to Atlas

No, below that

This was wrong

im too lazy to be in thread and deal with this
you lot have fun

below fucking what??

idk I feel like this is all pretty NAI? Iā€™d much rather you actually read my post, which you have had plenty of time to do by now btw, rather than continue making snippy comments that help no one.

This is what we call an Eevee doing random bullshit

he did this in a game a while back where he spewed a bunch of shit for literally no reason that wasnā€™t correct

Yes thatā€™s my point

i really dont care
im exhausted and im not dealing with this

Then why the fuck are you disagreeing with me?

literally all youā€™re doing is acting like you have all game

almost 1k posts and yet nothing useful

Well I wish you had used your time better in thread, but sure.

Because youā€™re saying they got a copy of all rolecards in the game and I donā€™t think they did, I think eevee was just making up bullshit

Anyway whatever, gtg

he defo got copies of the town roles though since that part is in the OP lmfao

btw whenever you see this. How good is Eliza on mechs as town?

the more people call me useless the more likely it is i stop posting and resort to rat videos

Depends on if she actually has any mech info of her own or not


Oh lol
OK I see your point