Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

This is usually seen in non-rolemadness games to my knowledge
this game technically classifies as rolemadness

Ah I see. Yeah this was mostly just not understanding the standards of the format too well and you’re the first person to make it more understandable how it could possibly work like that.

If that is the case and others who know find it reasonable that does make things easier for us.

it says claimkill

why would a strongman have that modifier
thats incredibly weak

because that’s what a strongman is

they have an overpowered ability

im exhausted
my point stands but still yours holds some geound

Strongman is usually the anticlaim mechanic because it’s to prevent people from claiming otherwise they can be killed with nothing stopping it

This is to stop things such as “Follow the Sheriff” and stuff
this is like
Mafia 101

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Well either way this discussion can very well be saved for when we have more wolf flips. This really only becomes dire if we are down to the wire and we have no godfather or strongman flipped.

I don’t think it matters too much anyway considering this debate was surrounding the Janitor at first which is like
more important lmao

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It’s entirely possible the Janitor makes people flip with the Insane rolecard


That could be spicy.

… But also bastard tbh.

I literally just asked in my rolecard the same second “It’s not specified in the OP but is this game bastard” lmfao

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It has flip/log changing mechanics so technically it is bastard, especially if what Marl and Eevee spewed was true that they have each others rolecards

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That’s true. I suppose if we lose to something like that becoming an issue it’s a big shrug emoji from me lol. I just play to do my best, and I knew this game was an adventure when I signed up.

Also @Wazza if you know Eliza well at all you can answer my question to Windy about how she is usually sorted.

Eliza is mostly an inactive player, she doesn’t do much apart from like posts based on the past.

She isn’t really mech-heavy, she’s not like me in which gunning down mechs and figuring it all out through that is top priority but she also isn’t someone like Chloe who believes social is more important.

She’s mostly down the middle, although I wouldn’t say she could solve a convoluted mech structure on her own

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Idk I generally think I have a decent read on her
What exactly pinpoints her alignment, idk, her old wolf meta was just to freeze and die off in activity but she also did that as town, and she has managed to post as a wolf in at least one game in the last year lol.

Oh yeah actually