Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

I see what you’re saying about the strongman now

I asked the host, flips cannot be altered

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(this is because the game is not bastard)

I guess and hope for the best :+1:

Yeah this is something I brought up earlier too, why have two strongman modifiers if you only have one kill? Lol then there’s no use for separate Anticlaim.

I think some roles are x-shot anyway but yeah

(this more than likely doesn’t correlate to a janitor-esque role btw since being flipless and having your flip altered are two different things, all it means is that Vulgard can’t flip as Insane in a fakeway)

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Your target has been resurrected from the graveyard
You have died alongside with your resurrected target

This is from feedback in the OP.

Eliza is reading feedback.

Discussing about feedback

Thinks feedback is OP

about rez

So… she read the feedback.

She quoted the Resser feedback.

… Then a little bit later she talks about all the roles and acts as if she has no idea what Resser actually does.

Like… I don’t know Eliza, right? But I blinked a couple of times reading this thinking to myself "well, on my site this would be instant death for most people because it shows she is faking genuine thoughts and she likely knew most of this stuff already and is trying to generate content based off half public information and half private information.

But I read this and went ‘geesh’

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this is something I’d see from wolf Eliza
that’s my honest thoughts

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She didn’t even comment on the possessor lol

I thought it was just NAI cause I could see her posting that as a wolf to generate content because she knows she’d do it as town

I am sorry is the thing that raises people from the dead referred to as something else?

I am talking about that and how she guessed what it was but different than what feedback said.

Talking about this part, slipping up is something in Eliza’s nature and especially worrying about treading too deep into TMI

ret maybe? I think I heard someone call it ret. idk these role names from tos.

Yes that was Marl who said ret and now I’m wondering if he actually completely botched his fake claim

If she’s worried about treading too deep into TMI then why does she even bother with that post

I typed up Ret first when typing resurrectionist tbf

Ret = retributionist

I said it a couple times as well in ref to Marl but didn’t even notice that’s not what the list says lol

My point is Windy Eliza did talk about the role I am discussing. Once to say cough cough and again to incorrectly say what it does. Please re-address?

Also name four wolves/NK for me please, Windy. I am running out of names and if you are going to defend Eliza here I need to compare our lists.

Probably because of what I said
Look at the last line, this is me talking about the resurrectionist myself