Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Hey @thepigeonnyc are you around? Was your backup successful? And who are you currently planning to shoot?

That was bwfore i was greenchecked tho


Remember it isnā€™t the end of the world if he shoots town cause it will kill him instead

The only thing Iā€™m wondering is if the guilty vig kills both their target and themselves, or if they work as a desperado. Because Iā€™m still wondering if someone else killed min.

Good point

As I said before:
Anger management issues.

If someone else killed min, then there were 2 kills at N1, excl. Zorvoā€™s shot.
Then, what happened to N2? Why was there only 1 kill?

Hippo is greenchecked by Leafia. If pigeon shoots Hippo without giving a cause as to why Leafiaā€™s greencheck is wrong, then heā€™s throwing.


Idk, there couldve been a save or a missing kill if it hit a 3p if we have a second

At any rate Iā€™m not gonna worry about it unless more kills go missing, but it was just a thought cause idk if guilty vig shots always go through?

Wait nvm, ToS wiki says they do kill their target too

When did she say that? I have stated that inheritance and the ability cannot be used on the same night

Just woke up
Backup worked, I have no idea who to shoot anymore


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Have you read anything?

Wouldnā€™t someone have claimed to have been healed by now if that was the case?
(Unless we arenā€™t playing ToS-style, where all types of roles are informed if they were successfully healed instead of investigative-only.)

Shoot Joe

how in the world are you ever clear?

excuse me how?

I go to sleep and wake up to find people kicking down the sick man

Zone has acted like a godfather and Illwei isnā€™t as towny as people claim Illwei is, but no one literally has actually looked into the reasoning I have given.

Zone has literally disappeared for the most part after getting town cred, so how in the world is Zone town?