Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

it literally doesn’t make sense

No, I choose who I backup

it still doesn’t make any sense as to how you are alive if we are being honest and you being truthful

Honestly you make a good point
Ig wait until I actually make my shot tonight and then yeet me

I hope you understand why I suspect your slot

so my question is why was Alice left alive?

If Town: Because people would most likely never let Alice live. Even Achro didn’t want to let pigeon live until a couple hours ago.
If Mafia: Because Alice was Mafia.

I fail to see your point.

No. You are usually “not up to date” because you are in perpetual backreading.
It’s very rare of you to “forget” something that just happens to be “in your favor”.

Now tell me: Why do you think Alice “counterclaimed” Doctor, especially in a game where it is public knowledge that duplicate / stacked roles can exist?

Kii has been scumreading me this game and voted me for no reason on d1, so HOW are we supposed to be partnered?

because I literally misremembered that from the other day


Realistically theres 5 scum and 4 town and this list so if we just rng it well likely hit nontown lol

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*in this list

@discobot roll 1d9

:game_die: 7

/vote Zone @Host_Account_2

Gg ez

Oh wait no theres only 4 nontown left so were more likely to hit town

I cri

The thing is that your actions (yours and Kiiruma’s) are lacking thread presence to the point where I don’t even realize that Kiiruma was voting you at D1. (Heck, I thought Achro meant Kiiruma was voting you D3.)

The issue with Kiiruma voting you -especially at D1- is: It tells me absolutely nothing. If it was at D3, then I would never imagine that the two of you might be W/W, but now that you established that he had voted you D1, then it might as well be some RVS shenanigans.

Cool. Now: “What did you misremember?”
For the record, someone did counterclaim Brad when he had claimed Doctor at D2.
So I am really wondering whether your misattribution is legitimate, or whether you are just BS’ing me.

Why does everyone I want to read have a million posts

Mainly Atlas, cause their readlist earlier today just had all the LHF in PoE

That kinda feels lazy cause there’s no shot in hell that it’s actually true


@Achromatic When you’re here, link a town game and a scum game of yours if you don’t mind.

no crap, of course I lacked thread presence, I usually don’t have the most thread presence

Yeah, the person who voted me blindly on d1 and has been calling me a wolf ever since then is definitely a wolf with me. Seriously, think about how that for a moment. So, let me get this straight, Kii votes me blindly, this causes Marl to rescind said town read on Kii, Marl flips a wolf, and Kii keeps calling me scum since d1. Marl is a better wolf than that and I would like to think I’m better than that, but no it’s a w/w/w interaction. You are so smart I guess

so someone did CC Brad, why are you even accusing me of lying to you then? I legitimately remember Alice CCing brad