Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

/vote ElizaThePsycho @Host_Account_2


Because people like you and I exist, who would never have let Alice live past D3 had it not been for the replacement.

Good to see that you donā€™t even have any defense, and started to lash out instead.
That just means I am more correct about you being mafia.

BUT ALICE WOULD HAVE A SHOT, so WHY let Alice live? Thatā€™s dangerous for wolves

Iā€™ve already responded to this crap, so I donā€™t see why I should defend myself every single second. Iā€™ve explained myself several times to people, so the fact that you are upset that Iā€™m pushing you means you are likely a wolf.

Iā€™ve explained my wolf read on Zone and itā€™s not benefitting me to keep arguing with Zone like that, so Iā€™m just moving on

Iā€™m going to take a break and maybe rest for a bit

when I get back Iā€™ll see about making more reads

Assuming Alice is actually Townā€¦ The Mafia probably have a Consort to roleblock her.

Ah, but the fact that you are upset, thinking that I am upset, is evidence that you are likely mafia.

Your singular explanation is: ā€œHe behaves like a Godfather wouldā€ and ā€œhe is upset about me pushing him because of that,ā€ which is just a low-effort attempt at shading me.

Itā€™s called Retributionist in Tos.

It originally brought a player back to life but they changed it.

Neutral Evil actually.

True. We do. Hopefully that wonā€™t be the case even thoughbIā€™m worried that it is. No hammering this time though!

Iā€™m thinking that before EoD you can give me a list of three names and I check one of the three. Howā€™s that sound? Itā€™ll limit the chances that a framer will screw me up.

Heā€™s tired confirmed.


Thanks again. ^_^


Same here. Even in this game.

Pretty unlikely although not completely out of the question. Itā€™s something Iā€™d only truly considervas a possibility if Wind is alive in lylo.

Laughs True. I wasnā€™t exactly subtle about my check on Hippo. Itā€™s why Iā€™m surprised no one realized that I was sheriff.

I honestly agree with this. I feel sorry for the wolves.

I honestly agree completely with this.

Iā€™m fine with an Eliza execution. I think she has decent wolf equity after all.


Zone is always like that unfortunately.

Yeah, Eliza probably is the best execution for today honestly. /vote Eliza @Host_Account_2

I am
Very tempted to call Gorta town but Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s still jumping the gun
Cause then I have to look at Kii and Zone again and tbh I donā€™t want to lol

Consort is the mafia version of roleblocker, right? Why did they allow pigeon to successfully back up a town vig?

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I mean, the vig is dead and the doctor is dead so who the fuck else would they block anyway, unless they donā€™t have a consort?

And if they donā€™t have a consort then wtf do they have, three godfathers?

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also leafia:

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Gorta vs Zone summed up


Now im greenchecked my motivations kinda died

If ur in poe and town start tryharding to make it obvs so we can yeet mafia faster


If you can case a better execution target, Iā€™m all ears. After all, I could just check you tonight.

Ilwei zone eliza + pigeon exe = the solve btw

looks at pigeon

Day 3 VC

Voted Voter Count
Thepigeonnyc Wazza 1/8
Leafia Illwei 1/8
Gorta Zone_Q11 1/8
Zone_Q11 Hippo 1/8
ElizaThePsycho Leafia 1/8
Not-voted Gorta, Amelia, Atlas, Kiiruma, ElizaThePsycho, Beancat, thepigeonnyc, WindwardAway, Achromatic 9

Bruh stop putting me in the poe

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