Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

You’re just embarrassing yourself

Alright, I have about 250 posts to catch up since I had a good rest but I’m going to do so, so I’ll see yall later. These wagons sure are interesting lmao


Actually, I like the idea of checking you tonight a lot. You’re the slot I’m most conflicted on after all and there have been wolfier slots. I’ll need to think about who would make the best execution. I think I’ll check one of these three tonight. Eliza, Bean, or a person of Achro’s choice. @Achromatic Who do you think I should have as my third potential check tonight?

Gorta isn’t a bad choice I think. His confrontation with Zone will make Zone easier to read after his flip after all and flipping Eliza won’t help us improve our reads nearly as much.

/vote Gorta @Host_Account_2

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What’s the current VC?

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Literally posted 9 minutes ago. Just switch my vote to Gorta and you get it.


speaking of asking in my rolecard
which part is cleaned isnt public knowledge

Wow why was i voting leafia

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we know
but flips can’t be altered

Ok zoomer

so i was right?

No idea.

Might want to unvote Illwei.

Mayb l8r

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Anyway, heading out for now,so talk to everyone more later. :sleepingleafeon:

if flips cannot be altered in any way shape or form
that means the only thing janitor would do is clean

I had a thought.

Alices main argument on me was that I tmid Marl mafia really early and tried to link Marl and Leafia. They suggested I was trying to make a W/W connection on a weak argument.

I thought this was dumb because my point was pretty valid. Thats why I thought Exe as they never stopped harping on about it.

HOWEVER, now we know Leafia is almost certainly town, it was probably Alice tming Leafia as town and Marl Mafia. To them my argument didnt make sense and, thinking Marl might get hung and flip wolf, they could use Marls death to drop sus on me for “trying to shade leafia” and pocket Leafia at the same time.

I think Pigeon slot is probably just mafia not exe and we should kill them.

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Possibly true. Otoh after i gave pigeon a reprieve we are getting spicy discussion

@ElizaThePsycho please claim if you havent

@Wazza normally i would. But if you are asking for another game to look into me you should really use that energy elsewhere lol. I will tell you this: almost all of this game is within my wolf range. Dont think marl was in his partner range with me day 1 tho. So be as paranoid as you like but then realize i not only pelted marl but really annoyed him lol.

Send a game.