Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

I’m like completely serious about this
I don’t care if it’s in your wolfrange or not, I want to see you play in another game.

paranoia on achro is how we literally lose
even if at right this moment we all scumread him and we’re right and we kill him we still lose

also im assuming im right on janitor and you yelled and swore at me for no reason

I am going to need every town’s help to solve the game btw. I dont know you guys very well. We have some people saying illwei isnt very town but two dead town and windy say she was very town. Brad apparently knew her meta very well. I am more inclined to trust those reads over current ones all else being equal.

It isnt that i am not willing to listen but the burden of proof needs to be met. Brad went into good detail and vul liked her as well. I had my own early misgivings with her and tbf i have been pretty accurate with most of my pings this game so you can have my ear.


And i too am completely serious. Why?

You’re an alt, cool

Would’ve preferred this was stated by now, but I guess I don’t care either way

yup, im right
and wazza’s off her rockers
have fun with this achro

Oh. Really? Lmao. If thats the concern simply go to mafiauniverse and check out my champs history.

Achro admitted to being crichard earlier on

why wouldn’t you just link a game :sob:

real + true

They have a point that u arent doing much here so ud be better off rereading this game lmao

Because most of my recent games are on gamefaqs and we dont have a natural archive it is awful

Anyway my name is Chris, i usually go by this name, i was in season 2, 7, and 9 of of champs. I was a regular on mtgs for a few years. I won player of the year. I promise i am not an alt lol

May have been sir chris on mtgs i forget

I have better things to do with my time than I read this game

brad has good accuracy on me
he’s townread me while i was a wolf only once not including turbos

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nice try, katze

Wish people wouldnt sign up when they feel this way tbh.

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