Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

@Hippopablompoyeetus fwiw if pigeon flips wolf it might be best to holster. If you shoot wrong not only do we lose a strong town read in you, but also it removes a whole mislynch from town.


we lynch pigeon, wolf

2-3 wolves left, 13

mafia shoots, 12

I shoot, 11

vs if you also shot and wrong yeah we eliminate someone from poe but also you and its 9, negating any use we got from a good shot

But if pigeon is town you can shoot because there is one more valid wolf target to hit so I like the odds better.

just so you know where my head is at with your night action.

we got from a poe shot, not ‘good’ shot.

Pretty sure Wazza is just wolf btw.

going through their iso will let you know if I change my mind.

shoot me then lol

I literally couldn’t care less about your thoughts, if you wanna think I’m wolf, go right ahead

In other news I’m out of work early

Nice, always cool to get off work early saturdays.

And yeah I am going to shoot you, it’s chill.

Aight, and when I flip town what’s your plan on realising that you shouldn’t have dropped your read for like no reason


it wasn’t for no reason. At first I wasn’t actually considering you I was just throwing misinformation out. But then they told me you are a strong wolf so I started to read the game back with that perspective.

me and ‘doing things for no reason’ don’t exist tbh


tbh not true, she wasnt frozen at all in silent hill

In other news
I am going to a play so
Gl gl


Also yeah am doing better as both alignments

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well if you are town I am not so sure about that in this game in particular, but hey we all have things to work on. Enjoy the play.


Are ypu sure? I’m not so sure to be honest. I’m not so sure w!Wazza would express doubt on Brad being a wolf. It just doesn’t feel like her style to me.

Honestly, if you had told me before D3 had started that I’d be defending Wazza while Achro is accusing her of being a wo L f and that Wazza would have realized that I’m a villager by then, I wouldn’t havd believed it in a million years. Laughs

Vul was deffo just killed cuz best obvs town player i doubt wolves even knew vuls poe at this point


But also that type of theory is really hubris made manifest, Hippo.

If you underestimate people that badly that’s how you lose.

“Wazza is a good wolf and might be wolf.”

also hippo

“I bet they didnt even read”
