Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Queen, don’t misgender me xoxo

I think king is just the phrase but fair

go off queen

I didnt say u were 100% a wolf but if u look at the obvious poe slots surely u recognize u have the best wolfgame out of them and imo are the most likely one to have been pulling wool over eyes

U shld be complimented and then try seem towny not think “lol let me make sure another town dies with me” if ur town

I want to say it’s AtE, but honestly I’m exhausted after getting home from work and I just want to make it clear to you that I don’t like the fact you’re doing it, but go ahead

I have a good wolf game

Does this look like a fucking game that has someone having a good one?

It’s chill tbh. If you want to make much better cases for shots I will happily hear it though. I am a keen listener.

I told you a better shot

You told me no

End off, ig

(Granted it was in discussion for execution but shrug, whatever)

which one was that

Wait nvm Amelia is greenchecked

Blegh I suck at yhis

Two hours remaining until End of Day 3

tbh if amelia wasnt greenchecked she gets shot

if that makes you feel better

Also, Gorta is like a top tier shot considering he’ll slank all game unlike me but for some reason despite the fact he’d usually be suggested to be shot, no one’s suggested it

hang on imma actually look into this

Why has no one suggested copping or shooting Gorta, that’s like a generic play for a LHF

I mean theres prolly 4 wolves alive and 10 town so math wise wolves are doing p well yeah

Well it’s mostly because I read his iso today and he has like over half of posts the entire game today on this day and seems to be doing pretty well.

(for gorta)

one of the wolves killed themself, we have multiple mech confirmed townies as well

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I suggested gorta to get copped d1 i think

If ur mafia how would u have stipped the mechtowns from happening lol

And I apparently don’t have good posts despite you thinking I was heavily torn during D1 and D2, but today you have decided “Nevermind no good posts!!”