Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Yes, the current Wazza, me who was clearly not bussing from my perspective, the Illwei you are town reading, and Vul.

If you want to say its wazza/vul I guess, but I don’t think that’s w/w

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Pretty sure SCP FM is an example of a game where Leafia was a wolf, and everyone including wolves piled on her D1, then hopped off, and she survived for a very long time despite being wolfy, until she outed our team and then we all got yeeted. We had a discussion in the wolf chat that Zone and I were in good positions but YBW and Leafia weren’t, and if anyone iso’d Leafia they would already see blatant spew that Zone and I were also teamed, so we had to fight to keep her alive because she had already spewed us and her flip would kill us all.

Ironically keeping her alive resulted in outing the entire team anyway so lol.

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True i like this o e

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So yeah when I say I would want her dead on D1
I really mean it

Last game i played here leafia was a wolf and the other wolves kept her alive by continually going “shes in her town meta” or skmething idk thered more to it frog is a god


Anyway my confidence gets brought up a lot, and just to be very plain… I have nothing to be confident about this game. I know none of you, and I certainly can’t resolve any of your behavior independently. However I have lost a lot of mafia games where towns just lost confidence for no reason or because of wolf whims and really those are the most painful. At the end of the day, I can always handle being wrong. I have been wrong… … … a lot. I have killed more townies than I can remember as town. But being right and then losing because you were scared to be wrong is just… you know, the worst feeling.

I hope this explains things.

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Illwei hi. What are your thoughts on Wind’s posts today about marl? Does this fit what she often does as town?


I accidentally just edited an old post instead of posting the one before this but if i dont mention it then no one will noticd

Im not an fol native and have played with wind like twice

Dont think ive seen her wolf

Or maybe i have and i havebt noticed. Maybe i havent seen her town? No i. I have.

Speaking of Eliza I mentioned her earlier but a lot of people have brought it up so here’s that.

Note I mentioned in 905: Eliza - I mean historically this is always a town slot but I suppose I can just hope they stop trying to mass claim everything every day. I don’t have much hope left in me though.

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Anyways my point is i have 0 wind meta, and historically i have had <rand reads on fol i think

Thats actually not really true but it feels like it


Why do you think she has you atop her town list then? Are you very polarized? You said you’ve been mislynched a lot so if you have the same experience with each other it’s surprising she’d go ahead and slap a town label on you.

wait though, you have wind as a town read. So okay forget meta, does what wind said to me make you feel better or worse or the same about her? Please be more direct with your responses to how things made you feel!

Eliza is a ToS player so I understand her reasoning because the roles in this game come from ToS and ToL

I haven’t played ToS but I’ve played ToL and the same principle applies, massclaiming generally is favorable
But these are basically chat mafia games since they’re faster paced than forum games and there’s little time for wolves to claim fake roles that are also provable that night
And the only anticlaim in those games is simply the risk of dying to the night kill, which is way different from an actual anticlaim mechanic.

Yes, I know. Also I think if Eliza was a wolf her team would have successfully gotten her to shut up about it and not had to make me do it four times. So you know, town.


Yeah that’s also a point in her favor lol

Wind what are your thoughts on my alignment?
