Happy Tree Friends FM - Game Thread Night 3 13/20

Random voting stage. A stage of the game when there’s little to no information and people vote at random and/or shitpost.

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Riiight, so basically day one

Hi Vul. ^_^


…yeah, from the get-go I feel like this is V!PKR being honest about his role as W!PKR probably wouldn’t claim VT this early being that he kind of relies on mech BS to survive as a wolf.

Fuck, forgot that the wants to be refered to as Kiiruma by now. Sorry as I’m half-asleep.

Replace the name with Kiiruma.


i thought that was another terminology i didnt know

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Gut says that this is V.

Doesn’t really feel TMI-ish and the second read kind of feels quite hedge-y which tends to be a good sign for Leafia. Not really taking this read to the bank yet.

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This game is either gonna end up with me being dead early, or i stay completely useless

My main issue irt Achro’s slot is the fact that they kind of just feel like they’re posting but not really engaging with the content and staying to the sidelines, tbh.

It’s kind of hard to explain but they kind of just feel there when a lot of people are making hard stances on Leafia.

Noted. Will re-ISO Achro later when I finish with my catch-up.

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Kiiruma is pkr???


Also i dont agree that achro is on the sidelines but its definitely what i was expecting after seeing him talk in specvhat

Agreeing on Kii/Illwei, tbh.

Don’t think Min’s opening is that AI and Brad kind of feels less energetic than average, tbh. Usually when the latter’s town he’s kind of obvtown so I kind of don’t care much about this slot rn.

Achro is a mixed bag for me rn and I kind of feel like you’re underestimating Eliza’s wolfrange, tbh.

Contrarian opinion on Wazza/Leafia rn, tbh. Said already what I said about the latter earlier but the former feels like they’re likely V. They’re wolfy as either alignment but I feel like their “I don’t give a shit” attitude here looks more like AHiT where they kind of don’t give a shit about the game whether feel the need to powewolf.

It’s hard to explain my read on Achro, but it kind of boils down to the fact that they’re saying a lot but not much of it strikes me as either way.

That’s valid

/vote Marluxion

Sequence here was like less thana minute apart. The backpedal feels kind of villagery as it seems like it’s info that Illwei proceeded naturally and then adjusted to the new info.

Probably just a villa w/ Kii, tbh.

Don’t forget to ping the monkey account. :smile:

Playing Octopath Traveler, tbh.