Hazbin Hotel Purgatory - Sinners Can Be Redeemed!

@catbae good clutch voting someone for the three way tie → 1/3 chance → troll win


i think imho it was okay since rolecards examples were rright there on the op, it’s more of a silly thing with the flavor than anything’s

Bring him back.

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Yeah. As I said before: Aliens.
The game mode Zorvo introduced in UFO Sightings.

Too bad Bionic never joined me in Martyr chat but great job team! ^_^

So I was right about Bystander and Someone being wolves.

Although I did change my mind about Bystander.

Yup. I knew sending me over you was the right call to make. ^_^

Easy way to fake a derpclear and have Arctic believe it: Do something like what he’s complaining about.

Yup. You.


Tbh i agree that posts like that shouldn’t be allowed (and we can do something to make that more clear, for sure) - its not explicitly against the rules as written but it absolutely goes against the spirit of the game by inviting OGI/angleshooting, and just… really isn’t fair to others

Also while it’s definitely mostly on the mods for not making things clearer, I really think that situation doesn’t happen if the game wasn’t randed 14 minutes before gamestart. There wasn’t enough time for players to see their cards and ask clarification questions before the game begins, which is an issue

I think that in addition to clarifying the host communications rule we should probably also add a rule to the hosting guidelines that states that games have to be randed a certain amount of time before the game starts (i’m thinking 24h), and perhaps players should be required to confirm understanding of their role before they can post in the thread

These are chloe opinions ftr - not representative of the full mod team, who i still need to discuss things with


Oh yeah thatll do it

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i think reasonably these are both almost always good for games

but also probably not something id require on EVERY game like “i understand i am vanilla town in this mountainous game” might be a bit unnecessary :joy_cat:

altho 24ish hours from rand->start is probably almost always good :3


Maybe thats to prevent people who try to post without reading their role PMs? Not that we have any but just as a precaution? Zone_Q11 often asks people to do that in the rolecard to confirm theyve read stuff


This is good actually, i know a server that has you fill a small questionnaire with your team, abilities, goal and anything else important before the game start


and join factional chats if you have one, remembered


Thanks for being so kind to us!

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yeah thats fair enough

as long as people know their alignment tho i feel like sometimes it doesnt even matter

but i suppose if i had to pick betwen a few sorta useless “explain your roles” or “people not knowing their roles in other games” id always pick the former


Good game, just unbalanced so I didn’t want to continue playing once the angels had virtually no chances of winning. I’d like to play angel in this setup. Funny ending though


Gg altho I do apologise to my mafia buddies I didnt play well.

In theory my thinking was “oh damn we get no kills we should try get known active players out to hell or heaven asap” so I defended Eliza to stay, suggested Garfooled to go heaven to leave, pushed Leafia to hell to leave.

In practise i had no reasons for any of my reads and it was blatantly obvious i was making shit up apparently. Had fun tho.


bad opinion

good opinions!

this sounds like a post i would make of you in drabble duel

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you literally just agreed with it what was the point of all that waffle

after i wrote it i had the same thought lmao