But you did things.

Mafia is just doing your best repeatedly and then trying again tbh

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I might be too harsh on myself sometimes but it’s a hard habit to break and I definitely don’t like the fact I lost the game for people by voting

I’d still have voted, obviously. Nothing was going to change that I can’t handle waiting, but still

You didnt lose the game on that one vote. Mafia is a series of events. Without you the one mafia doesnt go over day 1. Other things happened to weaken town’s position.

You shouldnt shoulder so much blame for things. It causes needless hesitation. Scum take advantage of such hesitation to cut you down. The only thing that stops me from winning is me, and thus i am invincible.

Well I’ll get there eventually, I’m sure. For now though there is not much for me to say about this game - other than the fact that I don’t trust you of course :stuck_out_tongue:

Why should I move my vote off a wolf?

Why should I provide commentary when I have nothing to add of value?

Why should I talk to any of you when you aren’t providing anything I feel is worth my time?

You don’t dictate how I comment or approach the thread.

Not Voting (10): Jarek, Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, Atlas, Italy, Frostwolf103, Garfooled, JakeTheWolfie, Olivest, guavagudetama

I will now put these names in a random number generator and vote one of them

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VOTE: Jarek

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I fucking hate random number generators



VOTE: Italy

I have a small teensy scumread on Italy and that’s better than “lol vote yourself” plus RNG number generator said 5 on it’s second roll anyway


None of you have provided anything I find interesting enough to add my voice to.

I’ve added my voice where I’ve dictated it necessary.

I’ve provided to this thread and your attempt to discredit it in this manner is noted. You may not like what I’ve had to say but my opinion of the opening 4 way is in the thread for all to see and my opinion of the current thread state also exists.

Further my vote provides valuable enough context of my current read.

Mind finding the post where the scum read bloomed for ya?

500 posts by other people, and not one thing is interesting

Your voice has been bantering with guava and insulting people, and doing little else

it doesn’t

I don’t even remember what I called wolfy

Jk. I do. Why do you think I find it wolfy?

Post #212 from me quotes it which is quoted from Atlas

I then explain it a bit further in #217

It’s like the most smallest thing ever right now, but I’ve seen it done by wolves before, it’s so easy and lazy.

Stop talking about how good you are and how I need to follow you to win the game and how Zorvo isn’t allowed to have a different idea of the game and how to play it and visa versa and I will stop talking about contests of ego.

well, achro, jarek
you two have fun
i have things to do

If it’s pissing you off that’s frankly on you. I’ve said nothing that should be construed as an insult or evoke that reaction frankly.

Last time this happened you were a wolf though so I will note that.

I find it mildly strange you think its necessary to say I’ve added nothing to the thread but meh

and now i am not allowed to have emotions

good day, gentlemen