not contributing enough when given the chance

The funny thing is i have no clue who has been dick measuring in this topic tbh

Your not

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neon is referring to me, zorvo, you, italy

I aim to please


I havent whipped my dick out at all yet



They can be caught this way

beside pointless insults, her catchup posts so far have been very level zero and almost mostly not about the game

You don’t know that

Its funny because i caught leafia in ufo mafia asap so that hydra asking that question is pretty funny.

This is wolfy as fuck.

VOTE: Jake

I… really don’t get where I’ve been given the chance to participate

Hilariously unaware really


One hydra has well over 3x the posts as the next closest slot

Going to just post count clear zorvo/atlae lol

the catchup iso
placing a better vote then a vanity wagon on a slanker we all know isn’t going over
talking in the two or so hours you’ve been here to one of us

providing actual reads
engaging with guava instead of replying that they were just you in every post
engaging with silviu, me, zorvo, achro


Do elaborate on why you think this.

Idk feels pretty weird to talk about dick measuring so much instead of discussing any of my reads or thoughts.

Pretty weird neon.