And the blatant truth is I would vote elsewhere if there was another viable wagon I believed in but there isn’t and I think consolidating wagons by EoD is extremely important for game readibility for town.

I am not going to vote a vanity wagon. That’s trash.

youre saying this like i didnt explain why cool pfp guy and achros votes were bad too
id argue with them on their votes if either of them were here
you are literally the only person i can influence on my wagon
you cant not see that 4/13 votes on one player is dangerous for that player

Give me an alternative that I can believe in that has some semblance of consolidation.

idk what the word means but mr 3rd vote kiiruma should work
i have to do a wall on how weird that slot was according to my plans when i hopped on pc

The problem isn’t that you didn’t explain what you see as a bad vote. You can explain it all you want I don’t have to agree. Although to be fair there reasons are not my reasons.

Like I’d keep my vote on Sylv but there’s no consolidation there

im not just going to lie down and die because you disagreed with me


Italy Kiiruma and Zorvo are not wagons I believe in

My only option is you.

the action or process of combining a number of things into a single more effective or coherent whole.

Or in this case not having 7 different wagons. The ideal is always 2 distinct wagons.

wjy wouldnt sylv work

I don’t want you to lie down.

I want you to stop treating me like I’m behaving in bad faith based on a previous game.

I want you to try to understand me and I want to understand you.

Vote Sylv with me

You’ll be here at EoD you can move your vote if you feel they’ve cleared themself

With your vote it will be your direct counter wagon

fuckinv sure??
i can barely read leafia or silviu honestly

And it should force others to consolidate… maybe

VOTE: Sylveon

i think youre acting in bad faith because of things you did in this argument

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VOTE: Sylveon
i spent so much time arguing the bookstore closed
i hate mafia

Me too

I’m sorry the book store closed I didn’t mean to ruin your plans