We should certainly do this often so we don’t have independent townies in the end.

(I am looking at myself yes)


I have no idea what you expect of me but I don’t think you really understand me and I have no idea how to fix that. I think if you did understand me and I understood you better you would not think I was in bad faith.

Yes. But FoL never consolidates… and it’s awful for someone like me who uses vote analysis a lot

oh dont worry i probably wouldnt of went anyways
i already procrastinated my entire day like 2 hours behind
its not a very busy book store. im sure the 1993 brittanica on technology and the future will still be there tomorrow, as it has been there every day since i was born

Too many new posts to read through. No idea how the wagon on Zorvo disappeared and where the one on Italy came from.

This is where it started. He completely ignored the fact that I didn’t ignore Garfooled doing it and ignored my later explaination that I can only vote for one person at a time so I wanted to concentrate on his slot. That and Garfooled didn’t do the same thing he did byfar.

He ignores the fact that him and Zorvo are literally the same slot here, so of course they’re both evil or both good.

I tried explaining that I was focusing on him here. He doesn’t even reply to that though.

Here he even admits that they’r ed the same slot. Yet earlier he wondered why my read on them was the same.

No they don’t. A classic case of Atlas wanting me to appear as scummy as possible. Because like I’ve been saying all along, I prefer to focus on one person at a time. The entire reason for that is that you can only vote for one person at a time.

I literally never said I was focusing on both you and Garfooled.

There’s more, but I think this illustrates my point nicely.

Oops again. :sleepingleafeon:

Hmmm, you might actually be onto something there.

VOTE: Kiiruma

Changing my vote to this for now. I’m willing to sheep Achro on this read and see where it takes us.




You’re a bit of a while behind if you’re sheeping Achro on this read, considering Achro literally isn’t voting me now

(achro is voting me)

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On second thought, self pres time. VOTE: Olivest

This at leaxt has a chance to flip wolf and we learn a lot either way.

I checked and found that out. :sleepingleafeon:

when the fuck did you get here


I lurk in the shadows and keep an eye on things, but then touch base every so often.

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hey id much rather kill kiiruma than you man just saying

i hope neons gone lmao

Please consolidate on 2 wagons by EoD.


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