Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

It isn’t

Because there’s two wolves - if I’m misreading you, which is a possibility considering it doesn’t even look like you are trying to be town read, and if I’m misclearing wolves, that’s a problem because then villagers will just die

You, EG, Trochi and idk who else have literally told me you will ONLY townread my slot if I obvtown myself

Do you know how fucking dumb that is?


Oh arete is here because I did not like that post and yet it is liked

when did i ever say that??? ur puttin words in my mouth my fren

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Do you know how dumb this sounds?

Be mindful of your post count - you will hit it soon


slank cover btw

yay weekends

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Then why don’t you show some concern about possibly misreading me? All you’ve done is claim vig and try to vote me out, and as far as I’m concerned, you don’t look concerned at all that you could be misreading me, or LeafiabutWorse, or really anyone. And I know for a fact that you ARE misreading at least my slot, so I find that concerning.


Well. eevee’s advices for a day:

You are forgeting that there is no magic silver bullet able to kill a wolf. We should be taking the best things and putting them together for a cognitive aproach.

People want to think themselves of being honest, and this ties them down tino being cooperative. In specific enviroment, even those faking honesty will have dificulty pretending to be cooperative.

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I’m not obvtowning myself so go somewhere else with your expectations


What the hell do you think I’m doing right now. I’m trying to show concern. But I need you to do something in return

ok not to beat a dead horse but I’ve been trying to make sense of the whole HH & Engineer vig claim fiasco and ig I’ll just post my thought process here

I don’t see why a non-Vig would hardclaim Vig unless they were desperate to get shot for some reason. This makes me feel like Engineer is telling the truth with their vig claim, and Soren agrees.

HH said they don’t believe Engineer’s vig claim but I’m not really sure why? I might have skipped over something while I was reading so forgive me if I did, but I didn’t really see any reasoning as to why exactly HH didn’t believe Engineer.

Obviously if you’re the real vig, and someone else in the thread claims vig, you know they’re lying. But HH refused to claim vig so again I’m confused as to why they don’t believe Engineer.

If HH has pointed out a specific reason they think Engineer is lying, pls point me in the right direction



we have said nothing of the sort. to parrot cat, don’t put words in my mouth.


I’m not trying to cooperate with you because you haven’t even given me the time of day to do anything

Since I set foot in this thread literally all I’ve gotten is “Windward is wolfing” so if you want me to obvtown but you also want me to solve, where does my time and energy go? I can’t even be around for the phase changes because it’s 4 am in my timezone. But all I’ve done is wasted a 48-hour day phase trying to give reads, give explanations, have them shot down without any discussion from most of you, and been told I’m a wolf for not being an IC.

I literally do not know what you expect of me so I’m labelling it as wolfy because you’re cornering me without any way out and not considering you could be cornering town.


You said you’d deal with my slot by seeing if I’d die
Or at least Felix did
And as far as I’m concerned that’s the same thing as obvtowning


gg boiz

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oh shit she did the tell


-katze -not chloe -the cooler head


Can you clarify, do you actually have wolf reads besides me and kiiruma?

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I think that was literally the most villagerist post you made this game tbf tho