Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

Do you guys have any thoughts on katze that are updated now that she’s revealed her townread on me was fake?


(also can we speed up the discussion a bit or can I just go to sleep, it’s close to 3 am and I didn’t sleep much last night so I’d rather prioritize sleep over being in the thread)



Vote Target Voted by Votes
HoodHeroes EngineerGaming, TeamSlightlyPolish 2/6
TeamSlightlyPolish FPSers, LeafiaButWorse 2/6
2Wolves1Hydra HoodHeroes 1/6
LeafiaButWorse 2Wolves1Hydra 1/6
MelodyRythm cat 1/6
Sleep MelodyRythm 1/6
Not Voting idrc, TheBirdsAndABee
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Sorry am trying to code this model to work in beatsaber atm so super distracted

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idk how to quoteblock but this:

"but its end of day

wind is going to die at this rate, the thread state is p indicative of it

why bother"


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I like how MelodyRhythm is apparently not even really a wagon
This isn’t a comment on their alignment, it’s just a comment on the updated vc cause I think it’s kinds funny


I’m 99% sure that’s wrong because I swear Leafia voted EG

anyways you have my full attention for the next hour

*once I turn on some music brb

tbh i thought Engineer was also voting me?

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I don’t read that post as sounding defeated
I read it as a lack of caring that I go over, which indicates a disparity between townreading me and watching me get wagoned and being fine with it
But since she rescinded the townread it makes more sense
Idk if that’s exclusively a towny thing, though


@Host_Account_2 can we get accurate votecounts not just votecounts

Oh maybe the VC is actually wrong then
I think EG has been voting without pinging the host tho so maybe that’s what happened

oh, bet that’s what happened with leafia too


Just a reminder


anyways wind what have you done this game that I should townread you for

specifically before EG claimed

also 2wolves isn’t going over today

find a better wagon

unfortunately my favorite metric of reading windward isnt effective on D1

mostly because her interactions with other wolves are usually pretty horrible if you look closely (and good if you don’t look closely) and even a few town flips can help solidify a slots alignment

not done with the iso yet but currently at a light V lean

I’m just saying I’m following on phone because I’m stuck with some annoying shit and people wasting my time so I’m not gonna do as much. So Aelin has the driver’s seat most of this EOD I’m messaging her if I have an important thought.

  • Brad

No idea because I don’t remember posting much before that
All I really remember was challenging Kiiruma’s scumread on Leafia to get a read on him but ended up with a read on Litten and Leafia instead
Which was not really the point of anything I was doing
I remember thinking some slots were saying weird things in the thread and I asked Wazza for a second opinion
She went harder on the Kiiruma scumread than I did, and I went harder on Litten
I think she also thought Chloe was wolfier than I did but I also admitted I had dumb reasons for not scumreading the slot, and I’ve kind of decided those reasons are too dumb to indicate anything either way so whatever

So all in all, what did I do? Probably nothing of value.
