Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

we’ll probably put some time aside and solve that slot later

unfortunately unless the team is exactly 2 in idrc/TSP/LBW then chloe is probably wrong more than 2.5 times :joy_cat:

this doesn’t look like moison leafia but i’m not sure if it’s because she’s wolf or or because of other factors

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i mean honestly it might just be idrc/TSP it wouldnt really surprise me at all

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thank u for ur contribution

You’re welcome

oh wait leafia was town in moison


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I’m thinking there’s 1 in TSP/Cat slots. No way both are that wrong.

  • Brad
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my preferred vote is probably still TSP today unless they come in and obvtown their asses off

a dangerous metric that is probably correct

I feel like we’re going to end up at LyLo soon and I’m just going to park my vote on Leaf just so that if I’m wrong the pain is over sooner.

obligatory “if this game goes to LyLo and i am not alive to say it then, don’t be an idiot and snapvote”


What were you doing during EOD btw? I asked you what you were thinking because you hadn’t vote yet at that point and I didn’t realize you were there at EOD until just then.

  • Brad

panicking my ass off between tsp and hh
mainly terrified

social experiemtn time

say it’s F3

cat and TSP are crossvoting, you are the third person alive

who do you vote, assuming the game ends in 30 seconds?

I’m absolutely snapvoting if it gets to that point. Because that will be 2 days of me not dying and Leafia just surviving. And to say I’m getting Mountainous me v Brad vibes is an understatement
But I appreciate your nice thoughts.

Each of us needs a hero moment some time in their FM career.
This will be mine.
I won’t be denied.

Bad news bud



TSP honestly because I think TSP partners with LBW more than Cat

did me voting tsp answer that for you

In this specific scenario, TSP
